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Best Planetarium App for iPad?


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I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but I can't find a recent answer. So, which is the best planetarium app for iPad?

I have been using pUniverseHD, good because it was free, but is pretty limited to the main deep sky objects. I would like something that has far more DSOs listed. On the Mac & PC I use Stellarium & CdC. I occasionally use StarMapPro on my iPhone, but am not totally impressed by it. I find the iPad great for planning sessions on the sofa. So, please let me know what you would recommend. I'm not averse to paying for something, but the better value the better, of course!

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I agree the pro is the best, but I had plus which is also excellent. Just bear in mind if you buy plus and then decide you want pro you can't just pay the difference, you have to pay full price. As Stu says they have offers quite often.

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Another vote for Sky Safari. Having used a few, it's the only one to which I keep returning. Sky Guide is very pretty though, and lovely for armchair sky gazing, but not for anything too serious.

In terms of Plus vs. Pro, I suspect Plus contains most/all of the objects I'm ever likely to see (or at least dwell on). What I really do like about the Pro version though, is being able to view the larger database of objects on the screen. Zooming out to see just how much debris is whizzing round the solar system, or how many moons are buzzing round the outer planets, or zooming in on pretty much any blank area of sky and realising it's full of galaxies is pretty awesome.

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Well folks, many many thanks for your help on this one. I am now the proud owner of Sky Safari 4 Pro! I've had an initial play and can agree with all of you - it's beautiful, easy to use and seems to have everything that I am looking for. Thank you!

Clear skies to all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had Sky Guide installed on my laptop, but after seeing this thread im rather tempted to check out Skysafari! Thanks

Definitely comes recommended by me now! It 'ticks all the boxes' and is certainly the best planetarium I've used on my iPad and iPhone. I particularly like the equipment set up so that I can have rectangles for each of my scope / camera combos, great for target research!

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Definitely comes recommended by me now! It 'ticks all the boxes' and is certainly the best planetarium I've used on my iPad and iPhone. I particularly like the equipment set up so that I can have rectangles for each of my scope / camera combos, great for target research!

If you enter the different camera lenses as scopes you can also display the fov of wide angle views of your camera without the scope. :)

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