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Pelican - first attempt with Tak FSQ85


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I had hoped to gather 3-4 hours of luminance data last night, but once again the weather forecast proved unreliable.  I managed only 9 x 10 mins subs before whiteout.  I'm trying not to over-process and the data I got last night seemed to lend itself to this.  Cleaner images and much less to be 'dragged out' from the gloom - I guess that this is due to the longer subs (I did only 5 min subs last time I tried this object) and the faster scope (ED80 last time out).  Do I need more Lum or should I start collecting RGB?


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I decided to gather at least another 2 hours of Lum data.  The weather has not been playing ball.  I've only managed to get another 60 minutes in the last few days.  Nevertheless, I think this is helping with noise and with 'clarity'.  Here is the latest effort - I think it is a bit better than the first attempt.  I am not doing very much processing on these.  The PS image size resampling seems to sharpen the JPEG up much more than it is in the full size image.  So the resampled image is a little too sharp for my tastes.  The plan is to keep gathering Luminance to get to around 4 hours (I'm at 2.5 hours at the moment) and then add around an hour each of R.G and B:


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Very nice Gnomus,

How are you finding the Tak?

Contemplating either the Epsilon 130D or the FSQ-106ED (with reducer) for a fast wide field scope.


Thanks Sarge.  This is the first image I have attempted with the Tak.  What it is producing appears to require less processing from me than the data I used to get from my ED80.  I guess that this is because it is significantly faster and so I am getting better SNR on my captures.  I have dialled well back on the noise reduction I used to use in PixInsight, indeed I could probably have got away with no NR.  The image seems 'crisper' and I am reasonably happy with it (although I am always plagued by various dissatisfactions).  A number of the stars in my image have bloated a bit more than I was expecting, but this may be down to my cack-handed processing.  I am advised that more data should help with this.  

I asked several people about the Tak before deciding to get one.  Another SGL member actually brought his round to my house to show me it.  I couldn't find anyone who had a bad thing to say about the scope.  I think I remember Mr Penrice saying that his 106s were more prone to focus shift as the temperatures fell than his FSQ85 used to be.  Another user (I can't remember who) mentioned that the FSQ85 may not be the best choice if you are using a FF camera (I use an Atik 383L).  As I have no plans to get a FF sensor, the FSQ85 seemed to be the sensible option for me.  Your mileage may, of course, vary.

The day after I picked up my Tak, I got hold of one of those Mesu 200 mounts.  This has proven to be exceptional.  The tracking I am getting is in a different league from what I used to get with my CGEM (perhaps I didn't have the best example of the marque).  I think this Pelican is better than anything I have imaged previously (though that is not a terribly high hurdle to clear).  I cannot say if this is primarily down to the Tak or the Mesu.  

Good luck choosing your scope.  

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I am reasonably happy with it (although I am always plagued by various dissatisfactions). 

Good luck choosing your scope.

Aren't we all!

Leaning towards the FSQ I think.

For some reason I'm not overly keen on diffraction spikes in images. Especially when you end up imaging on several nights and end up with multiple spikes.

But thanks whichever I decide on I'll be looking forward to first light.


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