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Rapture at Rannoch


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After five nights of cloud, tonight was/is clear and has made it worthwhile lugging my gear here for a week at Loch Rannoch.

Got myself away from the resort lights and set up at the head of the loch, facing west. Beautifully clear; Milky Way like a ribbon in the sky; enough stars to give cause for pause as I got my bearings. I had been deliberately trying not to look right (resort lights) to avoid spoiling my night vision. But some moving light caught my eye and I glanced across ... and saw a lovely display of the aurora, dancing and swaying over the hilltop!

Didn't 'tick off' any special targets and the session was less than a couple of hours but sweeping through the Milky Way and sitting fascinated by the dynamic Northern Lights have made up for five nights of frustration. And there was just enough breeze to keep the midges away. Joy unfettered!

The forecast for tomorrow - last night here - is good again. Would I be greedy in hoping for ...

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Glad to hear you got a clear night, Gordon. I used to own a timeshare on that resort and spent many winter weeks there. A very beautiful part of the world :smile:

Are you not tempted to shove the gear in the car and get yourself along to Rannoch Station tonight? I'd think the view out across Rannoch Moor would give you a very dark sky. There is also the forestry commission car park on the road over the back of Schiehallion on the way to Aberfeldy which would also be very dark.

Whatever you do I hope you get another clear night :wink:

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Glad to hear you got a clear night, Gordon. I used to own a timeshare on that resort and spent many winter weeks there. A very beautiful part of the world :smile:

Are you not tempted to shove the gear in the car and get yourself along to Rannoch Station tonight? I'd think the view out across Rannoch Moor would give you a very dark sky. There is also the forestry commission car park on the road over the back of Schiehallion on the way to Aberfeldy which would also be very dark.

Whatever you do I hope you get another clear night :wink:

Hi, Derek. This is our 31st year with our timeshare so I know the area well. But I've only been serious about astronomy for two or three years and only taken a scope for a couple of those. Yes, the areas you mention would be even darker but, since I usually have a 'smidgen' of wine in the evening I'm not keen to drive that far ... You'll know the roads! And, anyhow, at the head of the loch the skies beat anything I could hope for in the city.

However, yesterday we had a walk from Rannoch Station along the side of Loch Laidon (in the rain) and I've discovered that Cruaich Cottage - formerly the ghillie's cottage - has been refurbished and may be put up for short rentals. I'm going to keep an eye on that, although it could be a solo visit since Mrs Floater is not sure she could cope with the rather extreme isolation! And, of course, the weather in the area is typically cloudy/wet/cold. Nevertheless, the idea of simply popping a scope or two out onto the cottage lawn with such dark skies makes it tempting to take a gamble ...

p.s. The resort lights are even more intrusive now than they used to be since some of the trees have been removed - including two magnificent oaks, the removal of which was nothing short of ecological vandalism! But, apparently, these oaks - 200-300 years old - interfered with the view of the loch for some owners. Growth of more than two centuries - and all the myriad of life supported by these wonderful trees - gone in little more than two days. Bitter? You bet I'm bitter!

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That's just the sort of nonsense that made me sell my timeshare there, Gordon. You've done well to stick it out there so long! I bought mine in the late 1980s and had it for around a decade and every year the owners (Barratts at the time I think?) done something stupid to annoy us.

Anyway, none of that detracts from the fact you are in a beautiful place and hopefully enjoying the view.



PS: "a 'smidgen' of wine" - yes, I am familiar with the concept and can't blame you for not wanting to drive :lol:

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