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iPhone Moon 26th September 2015


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Just a quick iPhone shot through the Tak last night. Heavy dew falling but managed to keep it off with a dew strip and swapping eyepieces and warming them in my pocket! It was taken using the ProCam 3 app which gives control of focus, shutter and ISO. I used a Docter 12.5mm eyepiece which has a nice large exit lens, plus Zeiss Abbé Barlow giving around x130 mag.

I 'processed' this using PS Express on my phone and converted it to mono because there were a couple of strange colour artifacts, not sure what they were coming from but there was a little high hazy cloud around at times too.

Lovely contrast visually, variations in surface shading very clear and nice view of Schroter's Valley amongst others.


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Even after 12 months of having my iPhone I'm still blown away by the quality of the photos it can take.

Before I got heavily into astronomy my hobby was photography, I got fairly good at it and did a couple exhibitions and regularly had my images used in the UK and European surfing magazines. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I do know what quality is and I am fussy about it but these days instead of using a 6D on a tripod to take images of my sketches I just use my iPhone and for that job is does very well! 

I really wouldn't have thought this image was taken with an iPhone, it really is pretty incredible when you think how far technology has come in such a short time.

Well done Stu!!

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Terrific image. Do you have a mount for the IPhone?

Thanks very much all. It is quite amazing how the technology has come on. I'm just waiting for someone to write an app which will stack video frames, that would be the business :)

My AP rules are, if it only involves the phone then I'm ok with it. ProCam 3 and PS Express do the trick nicely.

This was taken using an iPhone 6 Plus, just handheld at the eyepiece. I do have a bracket to hold the camera but did not have it with me this time.

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