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Hello I'm Chris

I live in the Devon area,

i have just had the chance to get back into looking up at the stars Thanks to Greg and my lovely wife Mel

I'm still a total novice but after sitting and reading the instructions for my newly acquired ETX 70 couple of hours later i stepped out side to the freezing cold and made it a mission to see Saturn.....I'm hooked again....

Thanks again Greg look forward to a chat some time.

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Hello Chris,

Glad you're happy, any time you want to chat off line or come over to my place just give me a ring - you have my number.

Yes it was an excellent night last night.

PS. There's a bit I left out of the ETX pack - a compass/level - i'ts no good to me so i'll give it to Mel when I see her.

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Aha! Lovely wife Mel must be the midwife. Organising scope for hubbie definitely qualifies her for lovely wife status :lol::( Welcome along Chris. I have been having a little play with an ETX and it seems to be a lovely scope. Wide views on low power look great. The goto works great. Bit noisy so don't go waking the neighbours at 2.00am :nono:

Have you looked at the Beehive cluster just above Saturn?

Look forward to you posting some reports about your observing


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