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M27 - First attempt


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Hi all,
First attempt at M27 tonight, found it tricky since the moon was up at 85% so it lit up the sky. This is just lights, I forgot to bring a spare battery so i couldn't take any darks. It's 40 x 25s @ ISO 800, stacked with DSS
I'm rubbish at photoshop but i tried my best to bring out the colour in Adobe CS5



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Very nice. It is a magical object to capture and you've done an absolutely cracking job.

I suspect flats will help more than darks, but ideally both.

Is the first image cropped at all? I had a go at playing with it in PhotoShop and the usual vignetting problem one gets when not using flats was very off-centre, and I wonder if you have cropped the image and caused this, else we should ask an expert what that means.

Cracking good work :)


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Thank for you the nice comments! 


Very nice. It is a magical object to capture and you've done an absolutely cracking job.

I suspect flats will help more than darks, but ideally both.

Is the first image cropped at all? I had a go at playing with it in PhotoShop and the usual vignetting problem one gets when not using flats was very off-centre, and I wonder if you have cropped the image and caused this, else we should ask an expert what that means.

Cracking good work :)


Hi James, thanks! The first image isn't cropped, i was a bit puzzled at the vignetting also - I've put a dropbox link to the original TIFF files both pre and post processing. I'm not sure why it was like that  :shocked: I'll make sure i get flats and darks next time  :grin:


Very nice pic, excellent colours. What equipment was used?

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I used a 150pds, EQ5 Pro and a Canon 50D. Didn't have any guiding as that stuff's too costly for me at them moment! Just the good ol' goto

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