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66% Moon on 22nd September

David Smith

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I don't image much other than the Sun at the moment but with a Lunar eclipse coming up I thought I would have a go at the Moon. Found it surprisingly challenging to get an exposure I was vaguely happy with. When imaging the Sun it's generally a case of vary the exposure and away I go but this required a careful balance between exposure, gain and gamma to get the detail without over exposing large parts of the surface. My previous lunar images have all been done with either point and shoot cameras or my DSLR so this is new territory for me.

This is a three pane mosaic taken with my QHY5-II mono and Skywatcher Evostar 120, #23a Red and Baader Neodymium filters.

21472111548_15fb932607_o.png20150922_Moon_QHY5_3Pane by David Smith, on Flickr

Comments and suggestions welcomed.

Thanks for looking.

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