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Lunt LS50C landed & incoming Moonlite for the LS50tHa


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6 hours ago, bunnygod1 said:

Looks similar dimensions to the helical focuser. Minimum focuser height of 48 mm and 15mm of travel. My replacement focus was a little under the minimum height and the travel is around 13mm on both of mine. The minimum travel is not an issue for ZWO camera uses threading direct in to the blocking diagonal. "In focus" is certainly of interest to myself as I still use a imaging source camera.


I emailed Lunt asking for details about the feathertouch's infocus compared to the stock helical focuser. I may still hold out for a Moonlite in case it has more infocus or atleast a dual speed focuser.

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An update from Ron at Moonlite:


"I'm making right now on the mill.

Yes it is a 2 speed, 1 1/4" format mini crayford focuser.
Looks cool-- Should have them ready to ship in about 2 weeks.

All colors are available


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Some more: 


"There is no room to make it have any shorter profile in a crayford 
design. Sorry, we would if we could- but the design will not allow it.
We gave it a little over .4" of travel and the same exact racked in 
profile as the stock focuser.
Price for the new Moonlite mini 1 1/4" crayford is $215 for a single 
rate or $315 for the dual rate. All colors are available.
Plus it can be automated with our motor systems if customers need to."


So from the looks of it, both will have the same in travel. 

Price is steep for a dual speed. Might go for a feathertouch single speed at only $35 more than the Moonlite single speed due to the 0.6" of travel versus 0.4".

Edit: Looks like the feathertouch is shorter than both the helical and Moonlite at 48mm minimum height versus 50mm for the other two.

Edited by Cometeer
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ron from Moonlite has sent the following images & specs out to me this morning.   I am waiting to receive the unit & will test it on first opportunity, after that It should not be long in reaching a good retailer near you :)


I obtained permission from Ron before publishing the following images & text. 

Model CM-mini 1/4" Crayford Focuser


Flange= Lunt 50mm Solar Scope

Drawtube = .4"

1 1/4 " format comp ring

Knob/Motor = Dual Rate with Shaft Lock

List price = $340 (Single speed less).






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  • 4 weeks later...

I am grateful to Ron at Moonlite for allowing me to beta test this focuser, and I am in no way affiliated to his company.

As expected the focuser oozes quality like the other product lines. This model weighs just over 500g, compared with the standard stock focusers 120g.  Installed the focuser fits solidly to the scope with no play.  The coarse and fine controls are very smooth and precise.  Imagers out there will no doubt welcome both the shaft lock & lifting capacity draw tube pressure thumbscrew features.  As a visual astronomer these features are useful in their own right.      

The B400/B600 attaches with a compression ring system and feels nice and safe.

The MoonLite CM Model-Mini is a joy to use.  It replaces the least enjoyable part of the Lunt 50 package, and is in a league all of its own.

In summary I would recommend this product without reservation. 


Product is in transit from USA to EU / UK retailers now ! 


See images below:





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3 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Look forward to hearing how it performs James. Though frankly who cares when it's that handsome? 

Don't worry the function lives up to the looks and visa versa, in fact its gives everything and more.  

The fine control is fantastic, a 360 ° of the fine control knob gives the narrow but critical range of focus.  Its single rotation covers a focus range of on the edge of in, exactly on & slightly out of focus.  Once you choose what feature you are looking at studying the ability to fine tune to it is really astonishing.  For example: I was quite easily fine tuning to only a certain segment of a filament yesterday, seemingly tuning into the curvature of of the solar sphere.  The coarse focus on this set up also performs to a high enough level of resolution, allowing the user to dig deep into a chosen area of detail especially for visual only purposes.  With this unit in place the whole scope feels like the precision scientific instrument that its was intended to be.  

Like I said before, I cannot recommend the addition of this focuser enough, its honestly beyond my expectations in how it allows the scope operate and handle...seriously good.  When the seeing is good the ability to dial in right now is there, right at your fingertips.  Absolutely no slop or travel, its all about just the response.    

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3 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

Great stuff. I notice it's already on the telescop express site in Germany - but at the slightly heart stopping price of 423 euros. 

I think that price will change given the RRP of $340 = 302 euros.  $475 is extortionate. 

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  • 11 months later...
On 26/07/2016 at 23:25, Cometeer said:

I don't know if you guys saw this:



A feathertouch for the LS50. Looks like it's only single speed.

I wonder if this Feathertouch option for the LS50 is available motorised? So I can have remote control focusing whilst broadcasting for example?

EDIT: I just contacted Starlight Instruments asking this and await a reply, I'll report back with what they say.


Alistair G.

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I got a reply from Starlight Instruments which reads ;-

"Yes this is the correct focuser for the Lunt 50mm [FTF1575BCR---FEATHER TOUCH® ROTATABLE 1.25" DIAMETER SINGLE SPEED .75" DRAW TUBE TRAVEL, BRAKE, AND COMPRESSION RING], but if you want to motorize it, you will need the dual speed version as the single speed version does not have a place to attach the motor.  Below is the link to the dual speed version:
Below is the link to the electronic focusing kit and the motor needed for the above focuser is the HSM20:

Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to proceed with an order.
Thank you
Wayne Schroeder
Starlight Instruments
2380 E Cardinal Dr.
Columbia City IN  46725



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  • 2 years later...


Sorry to dust off this thread from 3 years ago, but I was wondering whether these focusers (either the Feathertouch or the Moonlite) would also fit the Evoguide50ED (which also comes with an annoying helical focuser)?

Thank you,


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Hi Vin,

Since this is a guide scope, why would you want such an expensive focuser on it?
The total cost will be several times the cost of the Evoguide50ED... and once focused it is not needed anymore...
Here: http://starlightinstruments.com/store/index.php?route=product/category&path=38  you can try to find an adapter to attach a Feathertouch focuser to your Evoguide 

8 hours ago, vineyard said:


Sorry to dust off this thread from 3 years ago, but I was wondering whether these focusers (either the Feathertouch or the Moonlite) would also fit the Evoguide50ED (which also comes with an annoying helical focuser)?

Thank you,



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Hi Waldemar,

Thanks for this.  Yes a v fair Q.  The main use for this (if I go down that route) would be for the Lunt 50 & whole disk viewing, but when thinking about it (b/c it is pricey) I also started wondering about compatibility with the EvoGuide50ED.  You're right that once that's focused, you can lock it in (unless you change cameras etc?)...but a project I'm musing about is whether the EvoGuide50ED plus a Starizona EvoFF flattener plus a better focuser would actually be a cheaper wide-field imaging set up than the WO Redcat/Spacecat etc.

I'm sure the WO probably has better optics since its a quad Petzval, but I'm not sure my eyes could tell that much of a difference (esp for my limited AP skills!)...and this way there's modularity - a better little solar setup, a decent enough wide-field imaging setup, and an easier to use guidescope setup?

And re cost, I see that TS Optics also do a 1.25" focuser for refractors at a much cheaper price point than the Feathertouch or Moonlite (I'm sure not as nice as them but as long as it does the job?).  I already have a pre-owned Lunt, and a pre-owned EvoGuide and so the gleam in my eye is whether the Starizona flattener and the [TS Optics] focuser actually gives me a lot of benefits in a number of different ways for not that much cost (probably less than the Feathertouch or Moonlite focuser alone!).




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