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Obs conversion - Update 3


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Some more progress. ;)

The framework is now clad with Spruce T&G, as is the 'dropdown' front door.

The angle iron ring track has been given two coats of Red Oxide paint.

All that's left to do now is make the the 'roll off' roof hatch, fit the hinges to the 'dropdown' door, fix the roof panels in place, and that's the turret/dome ready to be lifted onto the obsy.

The next job, given a fine day, will be to roll the existing roof back onto its framework, remove the existing 'track', then place the ring track in position to check that it fits as per plan. If all is ok, this can then be lifted off, and the 12mm plywood deck, cut and fitted in place on top of the obsy walls.

The ring track will then be laid on top, and screwed down. A circular hole, to within a couple of inches of the 'track', will be cut out of the 12mm roof deck, to allow access into the dome.

Finally, given the additional manpower being available, i.e. my son (he works shifts), the dome/turret can be lifted into position. Once this in position, the roof panels can be coated with Thompsons High Performance Roof Seal, and the side cladding treated with green Cuprinol (to match the existing obsy).

The old roll-off-roof, will then be removed, and the 4"x 2" timber gantry, onto which rolls off, dismantled.

I'll probably then add some horizontal castor wheels, which will run on the upright of the angle iron track, thus keeping the dome central, and preventing the vertical castor wheels from rubbing against upright side of the track.




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Dave, I may have missed the answer to this question in an earlier post, but, is the dome ring, and hence the dome itself, going to have their combined weight supported by the four upright walls of the obsy, or on stringers stretching across to the four walls.? I am sure you understand my inadequately described question. ;)

Ron. :(

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Yep, that is the case Ron, just as the obsy walls have supported the existing roll-off-roof, since January 2002. The top of the obsy timber frame is 45x45mm timber.

The existing roof with it's felt covering is quite heavy, in fact about the same, if not a tad heavier than the new roof.

As the circular 'track' will only be supported by the obsy walls, at four points (the centre of each side and end wall), with the rest of it supported by the 12mm ply deck, I will be putting in some 'cross braces' under the ply, at the four corners.

I've put in some extra 'cross supports' at the top of the dome, as I'm now going to use 6mm Ply for the roof, instead of 12mm, for the roof panel. The idea being to keep the weight down, as 12mm is quite heavy, and not really necessary for the roof.

As I said earlier, the roof is not going to be felted, by coated with Thompsons Roof Seal.


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Yep, that is the case Ron, just as the obsy walls have supported the existing roll-off-roof, since January 2002. The top of the obsy timber frame is 45x45mm timber.

The existing roof with it's felt covering is quite heavy, in fact about the same, if not a tad heavier than the new roof.

As the circular 'track' will only be supported by the obsy walls, at four points (the centre of each side and end wall), with the rest of it supported by the 12mm ply deck, I will be putting in some 'cross braces' under the ply, at the four corners.

I've put in some extra 'cross supports' at the top of the dome, as I'm now going to use 6mm Ply for the roof, instead of 12mm, for the roof panel. The idea being to keep the weight down, as 12mm is quite heavy, and not really necessary for the roof.

As I said earlier, the roof is not going to be felted, by coated with Thompsons Roof Seal.


Yes Dave, It's as I suspected, I was merely seeking verification of your support mechanism.

It looks a real fine job, and I am sorely tempted to follow your example.

Only cloud is going to curtail your imaging once you are up and running. ;)


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