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1st Stack with QHY10 M8, M20


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Thank you...I can see a little bit of glow in the bottom of the image must be from street lights nearby.  Pretty happy with the noise levels I didn't have to do any noise reduction at all just processed levels curves and a bit of saturation.

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Tis nice. I was thinking it's quite a difficult target for a first go. But then you're over 10° further south than us up here in Britain. Presumably you got your coma problem sorted? There's doesn't appear to be any on this image.

What's your initial impression on how imaging with this QHY10 compares with your DSLR?

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Yea I got my spacers figured out.  Here in Colorado I only get about 2 hours of this target once it gets dark before it goes behind the neighbors garage, so not bad for 1 hour 10 mins of data not calibrated. 

I think initial comparison says that I have to do longer exposures with the QHY than the dslr because I was used to shooting at 1600 ISO and I believe the QHY seems more like 200 or 400.  The noise levels are awesome and the TEC Cooling makes them even better.  Its a lot of Money to spend but I am not a huge DIY guy so I couldn't figure out how to properly TEC cool my dslr for any comparison.  The Mod wasn't too bad for the DSLR but that's about it. 

So I would have to say that I absolutely like the OSC better even with the longer exposures requires.  It seems the star colors are better and the data is much easier to process without having as much noise present.

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That is really good colour - I know much of it is subjective when processing but you've managed a good balance bringing out the brown of what I think is the interstellar medium ?

Going bright red with nebulosity used to make me gag but it really works well in your shot - especially in contrast to the blue.

I'm a QHY8 owner that just dropped a grand on a solar scope - and now you post this with a QHY10? Thanks bro :-(  (LOL)

I'll probably be laughed at very heartily when I ask for cash for an upgrade :-)

OSC does it for me - the images taken in LRGB are fantastic but I don't think I could cope with the process.

...and just in case I forgot to say clearly enough - fantastic picture!


ps spent 6 months in Colorado at Lowry AFB back in 83' - 3.2 beer was all we could drink at 18 :-( but we drank A LOT of it lol!

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Thank you very much, I appreciate it.  I was pretty leery of the OSC at first, but i'm thinking it wont be so bad.  I am already used to processing images from my dslr so everything was pretty much the same. 

3.2 beer is still around I drank a lot it as well, takes more:)

When I lived in Aurora I lived a few miles away from Lowery, lived a few block away from buckley AFB, it was really cool seeing all the jets take off everyday all day it seemed like. 

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I sigma stacked the images to try and remove the satellite which it did, but I can never reach the same processing scheme.  So here is the new version a little less saturated, made stars smaller and added a bit of noise reduction.


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