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2 inch widefield eyepiece for both ed80 and 150mm mak

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Please could someone suggest a suitable 2 inch eyepiece for low power widefield views on my 150mm mak that would also give reasonable views on my f6 refractor. i don't want to spend twice for the 2 different scopes. The other threads here state that the refractor will be less forgiving than the mak in showing blurred stars at the edges. This will be my 1st ever purchase of a 2 inch eyepiece. I have already bought a 2 inch diagonal to replace the stock skywatcher one that came with the mak. I have been using 1.25 eyepieces in the refractor till now.

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Pricey but my 35mm Panoptic delivers in all my scopes, including a 180mm Mak and a 115mm F7 refractor and a fast Dob.

A good second would be the 34mm Meade/Maxvision/ExSc Super Wide Angle, I had the Meade for about 3 years and it was a great eyepiece and good at F6.


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I think the compromise in budget would be the explore scientific 82deg series. One of my favourites in my 150mm mak is an Antares 34mm, this however would be deficient in your ed80.

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I cant really suggest any as they are 2 very different scopes and almost opposites for sky coverage. A 2" eyepiece with your 80mm is going to give super wide coverage no matter which one you get :laugh: so you may as well go for the biggest you can afford for the Mak. You must also consider the best exit pupil fit for your eyes.

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28mm Maxvison SWA. Cheap, very well corrected in fast scopes and punches WAY beyond it's price in sharpness.

It will give a sub 5mm exit pupil in the ED80, whilst the 31.8mm field stop won't result in remotely significant (visual) vignetting with the 180 Mak exit aperture. You could push it to the 34mm, but the 28mm poses less of a balancing issue.

With the current strength of the £ to the Euro, it will land on your doorstep for under £90 - £105 for the 34mm. You WILL have to spend triple that to improve upon it and even then, by a minimal margin you won't see unless you have a sub F5 scope.

I would also say, don't get hung up on getting the widest field of view out of the 180 Mak - That's not what it is for. Play to the strengths of the scope, not push it's boundaries.


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thanks for all the tips. I wear specs so eye relief is extremely important to me. Budget is sub £100 really. I think it is more important the views are good from my refractor than the mak.

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I have a 70mm ED which is even wider than your 80mm and whilst the exit pupil will be getting rather large using the 34mm, I have tried it and enjoyed the very wide field views. I never take much notice of exit pupil as I have a very dark sky but technically it is not clever going up to 7mm EP at my age as light will be wasted not entering the eye.


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