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Just when it was all going so well


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Bit windy but some nice gaps in the clouds so after a few shots of various features I thought I'd have another go at a mosaic as I've never actually managed one yet, due mainly to my incompetence. Michael knocks them out standing on his head with one hand behind his back juggling balls with his feet so how hard can it be ?

So working my way systematically down the East side, just started back up and got two simultaneous warnings pop up, one "battery going flat" and one "capture stopped as run out of disc space"  :BangHead: new there was something I was going to do before imaging again, in my defence, looking at the weather forecast I hadn't planned on doing any today.

Now waiting for files to copy to USB drive, 15 mins it says, probably cloud over by then :)


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I was caught a bit short too, Dave, I was caught out by earlier than expected gaps.

It may depend on your system but I can run PIPP and compress files to say the best 35% of frames while I still capture new movies, so that helped me out today. i.e. I compress some of the already captured files and delete the originals while at the same time capturing new movies. I get no slow down with my Grasshopper 3.

I can't stand on my head at the same time though, I fell over when I tried it.

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I only ever stand on my head when imaging down-under, and that is just to sort out the image orientation ;):D

Two things I have learnt the hard way is to keep sufficient disk space free, and to attempt mosaics only when there is a longer clear spell. I sometimes ignore the latter, but not the former.

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Why not get a 1 , 2 or 3Tb External HD and capture directly onto it , saves clogging up your laptop ... makes life a lot easier ...  :smiley:

I've got a 1Tb external drive on the obsy laptop  but use a different laptop for solar, just use 500gb external to transfer files indoors to process suppose I should just capture straight to it.


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Michael knocks them out standing on his head with one hand behind his back juggling balls with his feet so how hard can it be ?


Can't get that picture out of my head............frightening  :eek:

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Nice Dave.

I can't stand on my head (my legs aren't long enough) and I can't juggle either (hands or feet), fortunately these aren't core skills required for mosaics.  My PC hard drive is regularly full, my fast USB hard disk is now permanently full (mostly of Jupiter) and clear spells have been like rocking horse droppings round here of late.  Still caught a bit of sun after 5:50pm tonight, the first in a week.


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