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The Sun - 23rd Apr 2015

David Smith

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"Late" shoot today due to cloud this morning. Unfortunately this left me with absolutely rubbish seeing. With all the great images on here today I am almost ashamed to post these but here goes anyway :embarrassed: Just don't look at the full size images!

17062393759_4058b32bdd_o.png20150423 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

17041175807_c7c8501aee_o.png20150423mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

Somewhat optimistically (foolishly) I decided today was a good day to have another bash at H alpha mosaics. After a taste of success yesterday and with weekend forecast not looking to good, I was itching to have another go. In real terms the end result is far from where I want it to be but it is all good practice with the various bits of software involved.

17246862262_a30c6047d5_o.png20150423_HA_Mosaic by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

This is a four pane mosaic taken with a 2x barlow between the QHY5 and the PST. Individual panes were 50 frame stack from 1200 frame ser file taken in EZPlanetary. Stacking was done in AS!2, sharpening / stretching done in imPPG, false colour added in Gimp 2.9. I still need to figure out how best to shoot flats when the Sun does not fill the camera frame. Trip to Tesco tomorrow to purchase some cheap clingfilm I think. MS ICE has not done a great job but to be fair it has probably done the best it can given the quality of the source data (it faired better than AutoStitch which just spat the whole thing out and refused to touch it). Small steps forward.....

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They've come out pretty well David despite the seeing, well done getting that detail out of them.

Seeing has been playing games today it looks like. The seeing was horrendous at lunch time for me, I wasn't going to bother trying shooting from home with my 120mm after work. Then I saw Pete's shot and changed my mind. Seeing seemed okay here despite the horrors of lunch time :confused:  Guess it was good here and pants there :confused:

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