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Yesterday I set my system up for a practice run for Fridays eclipse.

When I powered up my mount the hand controller was displaying 'Transmit Data...'. No matter what I tried I couldn't get the hand controller back to the start-up alignment procedure.

After messing about for a bit the Sun dropped below our garage so I packed up and bought the mount inside and ran HCupdate. I selected the latest firmware version and programmed the hand controller. I then cycled the power on the mount and verified the copy. This came back as a match.

I then ran MCupdate and again selected the latest version and programmed the motor control board. Again I cycled the mount power after this completed and ran the verification option. This immediately stopped saying that there was a mismatch in address 0 it was something like 5643 instead of 5551. I ran MCupdate again an got the same result. I then went back to the earliest file on the GEM list and loaded that. I did the verification and that came back clean. I then installed the next newest firmware and ran the verification and that came back with a mismatch in address 70.

As a final resort I retried the latest firmware and again got the error in address 0, 5643 instead of 5551!

Going to the version information in the utilities menu I get HC: 4.21 and MC: 6.50  6.50.

I don't really want to do a factory reset and start all over again but I feel that this is my only option now.

Has anyone else had this problem with a firmware upgrade and how did you overcome it?

Any help would be most welcome as I don't want to miss the opportunity of filming this eclipse (I have all the necessary filters btw).

Edit: I haven't tried the mount out since getting this mismatch at address 0 message so I'm not sure if there is an actual problem with the motor control.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

Confirmed.. apparently there is a bug in MCUpdate which reports verification errors on all versions above 6.17... apparently the verification process is not necessary since MCUpdate verifies the firmware as it's being written, so if it writes successfully than it is OK, if there is a write error than it fail with in the burn.


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