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I think I might give up


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I know what you mean Geoff. When you look at Images of this calibre, you realize just how high the bar is.

The way try to see it is, they are someone Else's, what I get will be mine. I am not in a competition with anybody, I will be doing solely for my benefit, but what I do I would share on here for honest appraisal, and constructive criticism whether good or negative. The negative will be tempered with genuine advice by the more experienced on how to fix it.

I will always drool over images by Go and Pete Lawrence and others. Lots of great exponents on here have not long been imaging, SteveL for example, has reached his very high standard in double quick time. So, all we can do is our best, if it's good we can improve our equipment, but only if it is clear that expenditure would be justified by much better results.

Ron. :rolleyes:

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I couldn't agree more and I'm not especially envious. Christopher and other do marvellous images but there are many on this forum who produce fantastic results.

I am personally happy with what I produce but always want to do better. Perhaps one day I can match Mr Go's images but even if I don't I have something to show for my efforts.


He should move to the UK to take advantage of the outstanding seeing we get here :rolleyes:

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I couldn't agree more and I'm not especially envious. Christopher and other do marvellous images but there are many on this forum who produce fantastic results.

I am personally happy with what I produce but always want to do better. Perhaps one day I can match Mr Go's images but even if I don't I have something to show for my efforts.


He should move to the UK to take advantage of the outstanding seeing we get here :rolleyes:

Agreed. :)

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I have lately been asked why I spend so much time taking images of things that are already imaged in magazines - websites etc and at a standard many many times better than mine and I reply (like Ron says) they are my images - they might not be very good but they are mine and I enjoyed getting them and learned something along the way. There's always going to be better images from better equipment (check out the latest super duper telescope on the drawing board in the latest Sky and Telescope) than mine. :rolleyes:



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Comment from March 25th: -

Seeing was not very good this evening. I had to image between the clouds!

My heart bleeds!! :rolleyes: It would be nice to get any gap between the clouds at the moment.

Seriously though, what superb images - thanks for the link.


Bill£ :)

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I think this thread has a lot do to with the one in the astro lounge, about amateurs etc blah.

Ron has exactly the point. I dont care if anybody sees the pictures I have, as long as I can look at them and say, "Thats 100% mine".

It is nice to see how others use their equipment though, and that guy obviously gets the most out of his. Not many of us can stretch to a C11 though, what are the best images online with a C8 or C9.25 or equivalent?



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Don't give up Geoff, just set up a robotic observatory in the Phillapines :rolleyes: Looks like Rob Gendler has sorted himself out with something in Western Australia to get some Southern Hemisphere.

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Comment from March 25th: -

"Seeing was not very good this evening. I had to image between the clouds!"

(In Yorkshire accent) - "We used to dream of having clouds. We had to observe the Sun for 3 hours through a 2 inch supermarket telescope with our eyes forced open with clamps, then try and find the horsehead nebula in broad daylight (none of your namby-pampy GOTO in those days)."

(In even broader Yorkshire accent) -" Luxury! When I say clouds, I mean 100% cloud cover with hail and lightning, raining sulphuric acid with an atmospheric pressure 200 times that of the bottom of the deepest ocean trench and temperatures hot enough to melt your telescope and mount. The mount was made of paper towels and the mirror was the foil tray from a Tesco's value pack of six individual apple and blackberry pies."

"But we were happy".

"Yep, we were happy because of the Rubbish weather and useless equipment".

(apologies to Messrs Cleese, Idle and co.)

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Comment from March 25th: -

" the mirror was the foil tray from a Tesco's value pack of six individual apple and blackberry pies."

I bet you his mirror is made out of the foil trays for Mr Kipling's pies which is why he gets exceedingly good images.

He always seems a little apologetic about the seeing where he is. Can't see that he's got anything to apologise about.

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Comment from March 25th: -

"Seeing was not very good this evening. I had to image between the clouds!"

(In Yorkshire accent) - "We used to dream of having clouds. We had to observe the Sun for 3 hours through a 2 inch supermarket telescope with our eyes forced open with clamps, then try and find the horsehead nebula in broad daylight (none of your namby-pampy GOTO in those days)."

(In even broader Yorkshire accent) -" Luxury! When I say clouds, I mean 100% cloud cover with hail and lightning, raining sulphuric acid with an atmospheric pressure 200 times that of the bottom of the deepest ocean trench and temperatures hot enough to melt your telescope and mount. The mount was made of paper towels and the mirror was the foil tray from a Tesco's value pack of six individual apple and blackberry pies."

"But we were happy".

"Yep, we were happy because of the Rubbish weather and useless equipment".

(apologies to Messrs Cleese, Idle and co.)

"Foil Trays" they would have been like a Palace to us, we had to do all our observing from a corridor.Which was only a hole in the ground really. But it was a Palace to us!
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