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Red LED headtorches?

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hello again

any recommendations on a budget red Led headtorches please, not after cheap and nasty, but dont want to spend too much, would rather keep money toward new eyepieces !

also how many red led's would be needed? would one be enough for general back garden observing?

thanks in advance


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get  the cheap and nasty ones they have a much dimmer light than the expensive ones if you can get them with the 2 position switch you are less likely to switch the white on by mistake. Although a red light is less damaging to night vision it still needs to be dim

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Go Outdoors have a cheap one that has a red Vizor that drops down over the White light. So provided you leave the Vizor down it always comes on red. Downside is that you have to switch through 2 flashing settings before getting to the static light.

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Another vote here for 'cheap and nasty' - I got mine from a local 'Trespass' shop for about a fiver, and it's absolutely fine. One red LED, two white ones, and a three-way switch - red to the left, white to the right, and the off position in the middle.

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Another vote here for 'cheap and nasty' - I got mine from a local 'Trespass' shop for about a fiver, and it's absolutely fine. One red LED, two white ones, and a three-way switch - red to the left, white to the right, and the off position in the middle.

thats the one I have  I got mine for 2-99 from aldi but of course they are only available a couple of weeks of the year

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 Not sure Morrisons reaches down to North Cornwall though!

I can confirm that they have made it as far as Dorset. Though, as anyone who has lived down in the south-west will know, that's still several days' journey from Cornwall, though some difficult, dangerous, and often uncharted territory.

[i might have exaggerated just a tiny little bit.  :grin: ]

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Hi I got mine at the local market for about £4.50  it says energizer on the band

has 2 white and 1 red which is well good enough to walk a round in the pitch black 

takes 3 AAA batteries and there is a hinge on the light unit

switch is left for red (just think port wine is red andport is left on boats )

   ma penneth 

Regards Robin

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