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More money than sense?

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Hello everyone, first time post so please be kind....

Firstly, to put this post in context, I`m a self confessed gadget freak. to say that I love technology (and throwing money at it) would be a lesson in understatement.

I`ve always been interested in astronomy/cosmology, and I really fancy trying my hand at some amateur stargazing. I`ve been looking at all sorts of scopes, have tried to read up a bit on the topic, but my overwhelming desire, as always, is to throw money at the problem.

I appreciate that there isn't really a "do everything" scope - so my preference is for deep sky objects, with some planetary observing as a secondary.

I want something fairly portable, so I can put it in the car and drive somewhere unpolluted, and I want something that's going to take some of the learning curve out of the equation.

So, having more money than sense - I keep looking at a Nexstar 6 or 8SE - and ditching the finderscope for a Celestron Star Sense Auto Align Accessory. I appreciate I`ll also have to invest in a power tank, perhaps a dew shield, and I`m sure a few other things I haven't considered yet.

I guess the question I want to ask the experienced members of this board is,.... am I completely unhinged? Would such a purchase be completely inappropriate for a noob?

You really need two scopes. Get a Dob for observing and a lilttle short frac and a decent EQ mount for imaging. You don't need to worry about having much money or no sense. This hobby requires you to have no sense and it will gladly take care of your excess money too.


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I began a couple years ago with a 10in LX90 ACF @ around $2400USD. I just recently completed a spending spree which I had to cap at just over 35k. Just saying that makes my head pound and my stomach ache. With the exception of my home, I've never spent so much on any single endeavor. Scary stuff.

I agree with the advice of getting to star parties if you can and try this stuff out.

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Hi and welcome to SGL - As an imager I have found astrophotography to be a bottomless pit with regards to money. It will happily take every single penny you throw at it and still shout for more. 

Don't go down the imaging route :D

Sound advice but i would add dont until you have had a good look around at what other imagers have achieved, the kit used and of course your own expectations It can be done on a reasonable budget but will involve limitations which you have to accept.


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Hi Scoob101 & welcome to SGL. 

Seek out your local astronomy club & see the kit in the flesh first, internet pictures tend to make big telescopes look small. 

I wouldn't use my bigger scope for mobile use, but some transport much bigger scopes than mine to dark sites.

You need to find what is best for you & seeing different scopes all in the same place is the best way.

Clear skies,


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Hi Scoob101 and welcome to SGL plenty has been said for you to dwell on, whatever you eventually do, enjoy what you spend.  But upon reflection there has been advise to take yourself and bins if you have them, to a dark site on your own, just to get the feel of things to come. Your experiences may shed new light on your intentions, enjoy :)

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For the gadget freak one can not go wrong with Celeston AVX 8 or Evo. Throw in a SkySync GPS and a Starsense as well. The Evo is as pointed out, more for the visual observer, and will need a wedge for long exposure times. It is, however, more userfriendly in that the eyepiece won't rotate from one end of the sky to the other. The AVX has more potential for photography, although is also a very sturdy and well designed mount for visual use. But beeing a GEM, it needs at least one 5 kg counterweight, an will be heavier and less mobile than the EVO.

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Hi and welcome to SGL - As an imager I have found astrophotography to be a bottomless pit with regards to money. It will happily take every single penny you throw at it and still shout for more. 

Don't go down the imaging route :D

Dang it, too late  :smiley:

I took inspiration and advice from others before buying my AP kit, so my advice is be patient, ask questions, do your research and listen to others who have been there and have lots of experience to pass on. Good luck!



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