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The "No EQ" DSO Challenge!


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The Chalk and Cheese Nebula (NGC2239 Rosette Nebula v1.1)

I was NOT happy with my first attempt at this nebula. It felt weak, washed out and the colours just felt plain wrong. I blamed the neighbour's heating vent which was ultimately to blame but having gone through my limited subs a second time I found many more with clouds of steam passing through them. A further weed, and a new processing has left me much happier. I again tried the super luminance trick and this time it seemed to strengthen the signal (my red channel was very good in comparison to my luminance so it added nicely). 

Taken with the Skywatcher Esprit 80ed and ZWO ASI 1600MM-C on the Celestron Evolution mount. Captured with SGPro processed in PixInsight and just a final tweak to clarity and vibrance in Adobe Lightroom.

NGC2239: 139 gain and 21 offset at -20C with 15s subs: 77 L, 32 R, 39 G and 40 B


And for comparison, version 1.0 (*blush*). Yes, this really is not only the same data but actually less of the same data!


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On 28/12/2016 at 11:54, Nigel G said:

To cloudy to continue the mosaic last night so I have added 2 more of the original images to the mosaic.

5 images merged in PS. 135mm lens, modified 1200d + CLS filter, 45x45s @ ISO 1600 .

For some reason the tiles are not lining up spot on, stars seem to be in the wrong place ? probably lens error or something but I'm pleased with it so far despite the aligning.

I'm pleased to see the dark lanes clearly.

I haven't put this through any further processing yet.

As soon as I get a chance I will work my way to Orion




Brilliant Nige, very inspirational. You've every reason to be pleased!

Good nights are so few and far between, so to get anything is a bonus. Pretty fair here last night for once, and I had a good go at that old favourite, M42. Won't have time to process it though until after the New Year, as we're away :drunken_smilie:. I was hoping to do some more tonight, but the gloom has descended.


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I went outside anyway I have much still to learn about my mount and it's habits. The gloom was strong, haha. Selecting brightest star and I was offered no stars to the South so that put paid to test number one. Settled on Deneb the red dot finder hot shoe worked a treat much less neck body contortions. Second star well no strs offered to the South Mars tha was too low and in the fence so didn't have nay choice but to use Polaris as street lights to the North wipe out much else. Still no useable tracking on Demeb pointed south and that was better pointed as low as fence allowed and tracking was at it's best at 25 seconds. I did learn that maybe some of my issue might be balance. Given goto works so well on one star next time I am going to try out the front where I can dodge streetl ights I hope. We will see if that proves better.

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I just processed my bonus DSO from Wednesday night and found that it actually fits onto to mosaic purely by chance. Adding a further 5 DSO's, Monkey head and Jellyfish among them.

Now I have got to redo the whole mosaic again.


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I have named this the Monkey head to Horse head mosaic.

It includes, Monkey head, Jellyfish, Cone, Hubble variable, Christmas tree, NGC's 2245 2247 reflection neb, IC 2169 reflection neb, Horse head, Flame, Orion, Running man, Rosette, Bernards loop, amongst others still to find names for.

The Jellyfish image was a complete fluke to fit this, just that little nebula in both images gave it away.

The beauty of these is at zoom the detail is still quite good.



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This thread is getting way serious and professional...but here's my first proper attempt at a using my new Canon 100d 

M42 210 X 10 second subs. F5.6 and iso800 at about 200m I think. Skywatcher goto altaz mount.

I have 2 versions. One with little nebula and a good core and this one with lots of fluffy but a blown core and what looks like vignetting .

Still have absolutely no idea what to do in gimp ...or even what settings I should use in dss to stack. But it's all good fun.


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^ you've made a start that's great. Have you seen the astro tips using gimp post?

@Nigel G are you using the supplied L bracket when using your camera and 135mm lens or have you fashioned something to balance it please? Even my 50mm lens is too heavy to balance just fitted straight to the L bracket and I think it might be effecting my tracking.

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45 minutes ago, happy-kat said:


@Nigel G are you using the supplied L bracket when using your camera and 135mm lens or have you fashioned something to balance it please? Even my 50mm lens is too heavy to balance just fitted straight to the L bracket and I think it might be effecting my tracking.

I mount the camera 2 ways, either bolted direct to a 300mm dovetail bar or on a L bracket bolted to the dovetail bar.  The camera mounted either way can go in front or behind the Alt-Az mount clamp. As a test I mounted both camera's,  one either side and opposite ends of the 300mm bar and had one in front of the  clamp and one behind which balanced the lot.

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2 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

This comes with the Star Discovery and Virtuoso mounts.

link here

Ah, OK. So it can be used if you want to mount the camera vertically? Does the dovetail of one you cite fit standard vixen clamps? I've often wondered how best to turn the camera around 90º. TIA.

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(the only photo I had of L bracket to hand on a mount head which is similar to the mounts discussed) I can control the balance on the A axis but I need to control the balance on the B axis, is this where you fitted a further dove bar?

L Bracket.png

I didn't realise the Star Discovery didn't have one of those in the box, I thought it did my mistake.

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6 hours ago, alacant said:



5 hours ago, Nigel G said:

I didn't get one with my mount,  I bought a dovetail bar and made a small L bracket,  having the 300mm bar will allow more chance to balance by adding some counter weight behind the mount clamp. 


6 hours ago, happy-kat said:

This comes with the Star Discovery and Virtuoso mounts.

link here

(edit it might not be in the box with the Star Discovery mount)


5 hours ago, happy-kat said:

I didn't realise the Star Discovery didn't have one of those in the box, I thought it did my mistake.

Not sure if I got all my quotes in the right order but :-

Hi, some months ago I was interested in the Star Discovery and was confused by this L bracket  as well !
I eventually discovered (I think!) that there are two versions offered by SW, a Track Bundle and a GoTo Bundle, but the former not widely distributed.
If you go to the pdf manual ( eg. on FLO : https://www.firstlightoptics.com/user/manuals/Star_Discovery_Manual_SL26032014_V1.pdf )

In there is , I quote,
"Star Discovery SD-Track bundle" and "Star Discovery SD-GoTo bundle"
"When unpacking the mount box, depending on your controller model , you will find the
following parts enclosed:" etc

the L bracket is only mentioned (included?)  in the Track bundle item A3 in the pic in the pdf. Not in "the SynScan version 4" bundle. The two controllers offered in the two bundles are quite different.

I think perhaps the track bundle is aimed at terrestrial tracking/panorama peeps and not astronomers, not sure - I gave up  !

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Here you go, I have a quick release plate on mine.


I'm no further with my issue of needing to balance on the B axis from my earlier picture and this is the same mount most altaz mounts can use. It's only for these heavy vintage lenses the kit lens weighs nothing.

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Here's my way of mounting the Canon camera, I use an L bracket and a ball joint to provide very accurate alignment with the finder scope. I use a quick release plate too. The attachment piece between the camera hot shoe and finder scope works very well. I've found there's no re-alignment needed at each session as I dismantle only the quick release plate separating camera from the L bracket on the mount. I haven't experienced any issues with balancing the camera and that's even been when using the 75-300mm lens shown.



I have recently purchased BYEOS so can control imaging from the laptop set up in the kitchen overlooking the imaging spot. I've also sent off for cables to extend the length of the hand controller wire to the mount. I will then have the ability to nudge objects to get best framing. I've found BYEOS to be very useful enabling multiple stacking of Live View to better see fainter objects in almost real time. BYEOS also means I get to keep a watch on each downloaded frame so don't get caught out by dewing or clouds anymore. Oh, for a touch of low tech I add a hand warmer beneath the camera lens using an elastic band and it has kept dew away.

Here's to clear, dark skies.



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I use Canon EOS utility for running the camera, I have a 3mtr cable to connect to a PC I have in my conservatory,  It previews every image and I can set any amount of exposures at any length.

Then retire to the house and watch through my closed sliding doors with a cup of tea or glass of wine.

I like your camera mount Steve.



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My red dot finder that goes in the camera hot shoe is my alignment and works very well.

Steve I like your different approach but that looks ever more lens front heavy bias and unbalanced.The kit lens is light the vintage lenses even the 50mm are at least as heavy as the camera and protude further and I currently have no adjustment to move the camera to improve that balance. Azimuth movement is fine, it is downward altitude tracking which I think is being effected as if the camera is aimed at a reasoably high elevation then the motors appear unable to bring the camera back down, I have to hand support it from the rear and I think this is balance impaired.

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