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Bst eyepiece, and next choice?!

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Thank you! These look very nice indeed. I may just buy one to give it a whirl.

In the US, I found them here:


Thanks again!


Yes, that's the ones, looks like most are out of stock.  But they are great ep's with good eye relief - very comfortable to use, you will not be disappointed, if you can get hold of them!

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So bst seems the clear winner. . so let's say I can afford one_ which way would you go? 8mm or 25mm?

Bear in mind I already have a standard stock 25mm piece, so would you go 8mm? Or would the 25mm bst be much more impressive and give me better view of wider fov objects?

I'd aim to get both long term before that's suggested, but what would anyone recommend. As the next purchase?

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Start with the 8mm.

Then buy any order after that. I know its  £98 for two EP's, but if you get both,  you can compare them yourself, see what's best for you AND your telescope. remember is all part of a system, your eyes included. If you're not entirely happy with  one or either of them, return them and get your money back!

I use all of the BST's. I like to frame the subject to fill the frame where possible, so I there isn't any particular lens I don't like, and because 25mm was not wide enough to  cover M31, I also bought the Panaview 32mm, in 2" format. Big EP!

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Thanks for the advice. . . so next payday might go for the 8mm bst.

Now thinking ahead for next year and some planetary observing, Saturn was great last year in my basic 3.6mm EPs, and a better piece for that, now before you all shout bst, they only go down to 5mm don't they and I'm not sure that will be enough magnification for Saturn as even in my 3.6 it didn't look very big.

So any opinions on the tmb planetary 2 or skywatcher planetary 4mm EPs?

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'Photon' do an ED 3.2mm eyepiece  which , when you look at it is a BST, or whatever named  version you're familiar with as there are several?.  But yes BST Starguider will go to 5mm. I have just bought a WO 6mm SPL and its very good on my scope, but again, we have different scopes and eyes? I owned  the 6mm TMB Planetary II and sent it back, did not like it, felt like looking through a tube, compared to my 8mm BST.  The WO matches my focal ratio giving me a 1mm exit pupil. Can't wait to see Jupiter again to better test this eyepiece.

The highest magnification you can expect from your telescope is by using a 3.5mm EP at 260x But that is really pushing the limits. If you double your aperture 130=260x maximum. If you just accept your aperture 130=130x  results will be better (unless you're in the vacuum of space) or just looking at the Moon, these low focal length EPs won't get used much for anything else, due to the magnifications they achieve under less than perfect conditions. Too much power destroys your final image.

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Yeah I had the 260x i n mind when looking, which is why I was looking at the 4mm rather than the 3.2

I was impressed with saturn in my 3.6mm skywatcher ep last year so thought a better quality similar size piece would be better.

What's WO and SPL?

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