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dslr lens


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Hi guys,

Got modified canon dslr, not sure of type of lens to go for ie 35mm or zoom like 18/55mm? Any suggestions much appreciated, going to dump camera on scope for dso but was also looking for some lens to do basic sky shots.


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I think I would look at the various 35mm focal length lenses. As tingting44 has said, teh ubiquitous 50 mm bight be a touch long on a crop format camera, though as 50 mm lenses are common enough and relatively cheap, you could always try.

Have a look here


For suitable adapters.

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Apologies for slight thread hijack - but has anyone got a link to a decent M42 adaptor?   I got (a very cheap) one for my 600d and my m42 primes wont reach infinity focus.

I'll try and dig out a link later, another poster recommended me one that gets the lenses a bit closer to the sensor. It does seem to be a slight lottery with M42 lenses though, I still have a couple that don't quite get there.

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The Canon 50mm's are good, but you have to stop them down quite a long way. You can easily fit all of Orion into the FOV to give you an idea. The 40mm pancake lens, looks to be a good one too. The best I've used so far appears to be macro lenses. Really flat field, and can be used wide open at f/2.8, I've used a Sigma 150mm at f/2.8 and it works a treat.

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As said finding a matching adaptor can be a bit of a lottery sometimes i only ever use the cheap ones advertised as "infinity focus" compatible but have had to match them with various lenses and even had to add a slight bevel to the thread at the lens end of the adaptor to make sure they seat correctly.

The result is that the lenses have a dedicated adaptor permanently fitted (some with the focus confirm chip) some lenses can have the infinity focus end stop adjusted if all attempts to find a matching adaptor fails.


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