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Triangulum Widefield

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Had a lot of trouble with this one as there were a few lights on on site and I couldn't find the eyepiece cover. Some stray light got into the camera, giving the centre of the image a yellowish cast. isolated it with some creative curve stretching and got rid of the worst of it.


Taken with my 135mm Super-Takumar lens at f3.5 on a modded Canon 100D, the above is a slight crop. 11 x 120 second subs (22 minutes total). No darks or flats. Taken at Caradon Observatory, Cornwall.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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I really like it. These widefields of familiar objects give you a whole new sense of context.

At some point you should take darks, flats and bias. Especially flats would really help you in processing. And nitpicking, a bit more color in the stars would have been nice.

What ISO?

Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks all, pretty happy with this one.

At some point you should take darks, flats and bias. Especially flats would really help you in processing. And nitpicking, a bit more color in the stars would have been nice.

What ISO?

Was taken at ISO 1600.

Thanks for the comments, I agree about the lack of star colour. I did have the saturation up more and was getting nice blue stars, but the red and yellow ones were looking a bit odd so I toned it down.

I've given up on darks for the time being after reading this thread, I'll revisit them another time. In this case the apparent vignetting is caused by light leaking in the eyepiece - the first version had a big yellow circle in the middle. I'll look into flats another time, they don't seem to be too important with this lens.

At what FL can you fit both M31 and M33?

I did look into this using Stellarium. Can't quite remember now, but they might just fit in at 35mm or a bit less.

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It's a nice focal length for me to be playing with a the moment as it brings plenty of targets into range while being short enough to be forgiving of alignment and tracking errors. The Orion Nebula, Flame and Horsehead all fit in nicely at 135mm with the Horsehead being large enough to be recognisable, so that will be a Winter target.  :smiley:

It also scores highly for usability. For focussing I just turn it to the stop and it has a long hood which helps prevent dew. The field of view is large enough for easy aiming and at f3.5 it's fast enough to pick up faint objects quickly. I hit comet Jacques on the first try. Here's a 20 second Andromeda at ISO 3200 with a quick process.


Highly recommended. Looking at my eBay history I paid £18.40 plus postage for mine, I guess I should put something in the equipment review area.

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stop buying all the lens'! your all ready getting a canon 200m f2.8 u lucky git! lol :D

No, thats been put on hold as I think I was jumping the gun a bit there.

Going to wait until I get the hang of this AP malarky first and cheap vintage prime lenses are a great starting point.

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Nice images.  I like seeing such objects in their wider context too.

I always have to remind myself when looking at wide field images of galaxies that all the stars are in fact closer than the galaxy itself and we're looking through/past the stars.  It's easy to view the galaxy as being set against a background of stars, but of course that's not actually true.  The stars you can see are in our own galaxy.  The target object is much, much further away...


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At what FL can you fit both M31 and M33?

Came across this image showing both Andromeda & Triangulum while browsing the Sky At Night Flickr group. It was taken at 70mm focal length but with a full frame camera. On a crop sensor they'd be a very tight squeeze at 50mm, would probably make a better composition at 35mm with the two galaxies further from the corners.

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