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Orion optics

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Hi all , been thinking o f upgrade from sw 130 on my short list are the following sw 150pds and the Orion vx6 l .As the latter is made in the uk do you have any reviews or impressions all taken into account that the Sw 150 is made in China but what isn't now days and the orion is supposed to be hand made .Which way should I go. I am mainlly leaning towards Dso at the moment but also enjoy the planets and moon.Answers on a post card please lol hope you are able to point me in the general direction .Cheers Rob

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I have a 150p ds that i use for DSO stuff, its a pretty good scope, well made and available from most retailers of the peg, rather than waiting for an Orion

As a footnote years ago i bought an OO europa 200 thinking i was getting a british made scope rather than a chinese scope, only to find it was identical to a Helios

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I think it depend on what your budget is, the OO scopes make more sense if you have high lux coatings and  upgraded optical quality. If looking at a standard OO the difference between it and a skywatcher would be difficult to see 

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Hi thanks for all your advice there I am seeing that the Sw is looking more like the way to go as i am happy with my sw 130 the 150pds seems the way forward.it does get some good reviews the 130 has been a good learner for me but i still have a long way to go

Reluctant to sell it realy but dont have the room for two scopes .thanks again Rob.

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