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Secondhand Atik 460EX mono CCD camera


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What's the chance of getting one of these?  Anyone have any opinions?  I'm just wondering if it's worth waiting or just "bite the bullet" and order one from FLO.

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Shame, mine went a few months ago.

I don't reckon there's many kicking about, you may as well bite the bullet :grin:

Wish I'd known - never mind, these things happen :D

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Changing filters is not that easy though is it, its a nause, having had a 5 qsi it was way to much faff so i didnt bother, only having a 5 position wheel is not a smart move especially considering they make a 9 x 1.25 so already know the score.

Im not going to defend bad design and lack of foresightedness from them as they already have shown the know better, and thats not looking at the huge OAG.

Its a step in the right direction but its not a production release model its a test.

They make good cameras for the price, but this is not the way to up there game, do it better than QSI or dont bother IMO.

Edit: Im not sure who started the integration idea was it SBIG? they have a complete self guiding camera?

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