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EQ 5 Pro goto with a Sky-Watcher Skymax-180 PRO


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Is it possible to use the Sky-Watcher Skymax-180 PRO on a EQ5 Pro, or is it on the limits weight wise, I have a Atik 314L+ that would be used for astro or an Opticstar SL131C.

Would I be pushing the mount to its limits?


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I recently got one for visual and planetary/lunar imaging and have been very pleased with it.  I haven't had much opportunity to do any imaging with it as yet but the views through the eyepiece have been great.

As others have said you should be OK for planetary imaging.  

As for DSO imaging, it's not just the loading limit of the mount that may present you with difficulties, it's also the fact that a scope with a focal ratio of F15 and a focal length of 2.7m isn't really ideal for that kind of work.  But as you have an ED80, you're already sorted in that department.

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