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Buy or borrow a collimating eyepiece. A focuser cap with a hole in it is a poor second best. If your stars look like dots at high power, rather than arrowheads, then your collimation is probably OK. You may have to remove your mirror and put a dot in the centre, if there isn't one there already.

Line up the secondary mirror first, to get the primary centred in it. Then move the primary mirror, using only two of the three collimating screws on the back of the mirror, until the dot and everything is centred. You'll know what I mean when you look at the image in the mirrors. In any case, don't use this advice without another guide and some pictures.

I posted recently about the fun I had learning collimation. It's not that bad, and today I can tweak the thing into alignment in a couple of minutes without even breathing hard. I only had to adjust the secondary mirror on one occasion.

Go for it, but get the collimating ep first. It can wait until then.

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I have to agree with Steve & WH get the eyepiece 1st it is a very very useful tool.

The only extra bit of advice I would give is make sure you have planty of time when you do your 1st collimation.

I manged to completely mess my scope collimation up when I 1st tried but fortunately I did in the morning.

I came back to it later in the day and I realised what I needed to do and within 20 minutes had the collimation spot on.



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I've been looking to purchase (one day), a collimating laser? They are useful aren't they?

I'd steer clear of those for a while Caz! Besides, they only work well if you have an eyepiece holder that has a compression type grip (as you tighten the nut, a collar grips the eyepiece around its circumference). As you tighten a traditional eyepiece holder it pushes the eyepiece slightly off-axis which makes it difficult to get meaningful results from a laser collimator.

Now, wheres my flame-proof suit :violent3:


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This is the one think i have been dreading doing since i decided to buy a big scope. Luckly my Explorer was prefectly collimated out of the box and has a nice centre dot on the pirmary mirror. :lol:

I will be getting a Chesshire eyepiece soon, after reading a how do guide that i found on the net it doesnt seem as bad as i thought. Think it will just be a case of getting use to it.

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First of all Caz.

I'ts a fairly simple job, you need to check that you have a mark on the center of your main mirror. If not you'll have to take the mirror out and mark it.

When you have done it once, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about!!!

It will take about 10mins to do. I now do mine about every 3 times I use the scope.


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Nearly forgot!!!

Get a responsible adult to help you - You may need someone to help you hold the scope etc.

It's amazing how much your confidence improves when you have a second pair of eyes helping.


PS Have you got a webcam - we could all watch you whilst you do yours!!!

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Ps....do I have to wear surgical greens and latex gloves to collimate.... :lol: :lol:

No, no! Greasy blue coveralls with your name on the chest, and a baseball cap from Isky Cams or Quaker State. Also hiking boots, because if you're doing it yourself, you'll have to look through the eyepiece, and then walk all the way to the back of the telescope, and then all the way back, back and forth, until you get it collie-mated.

My collie died, so now I springer-mate my scope.

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It's badged, G-Tech, came from across the pond, maybe warthog might know about them. It' s ashort tube reflector, 114.5 mirror, similiar to the cheap and nasty cat newtonian that is doing the rounds 1000mm f / achieved with a barlow fitted in the focuser.

I have managed to set up the secondery, but with out a clear sky, (hoprfully next friday looks good! maybe) i can't check it.


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It's badged, G-Tech, came from across the pond, maybe warthog might know about them. It' s ashort tube reflector, 114.5 mirror, similiar to the cheap and nasty cat newtonian that is doing the rounds 1000mm f / achieved with a barlow fitted in the focuser.

I have managed to set up the secondery, but with out a clear sky, (hoprfully next friday looks good! maybe) i can't check it.


Nope, never heard of them, although I did see one of those scopes you mention in the junk pile of a local science shop, once...

Is it possible that this scope was built without any provision for collimating? If this is the case, I'd suggest you do the best you can with it, until you can buy a better scope. If it is a short tube, it may have a future as a rich-field, low power scope, for a while.

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Yes, that could be it's short term future, I understand from the previous owner that he got it from a USAF base yard sale, so it probably came in to the country that way. I also done a google on G-Tech, and it seems as through they have fingures in many pies. The scope is OK, but high mags are out, anything over about 60X.

For what it cost, it is better than my 10 X 50 bins.

Better star saving my pocket money and keep an eye out on the sales pages.


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Well one thing I realise the view through my scope is still fine, I need to read up and understand collimation, so that when it comes to the crunch, I don't have to keep referring to booklets, instructions etc., If its clear in my mind, theres a good chance, I may get the job done right, no point going in blind is there?

I've been looking to purchase (one day), a collimating laser? They are useful aren't they? Other than that, divorcing my current husband and marrying someone who knows all there is to know about scopes.... :lol: :lol: Maybe thats going a little too far... :shock:

Thanks guys, helpful as always... :lol:

You,ve come to the right place to find one LOL

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