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T adapter question???

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Ok I just picked up a Canon t3, I know I need a T ring and T adapter to attach to my 6se but there are so many different types! I'm definitely going to want one that can have eyepieces inserted into but my question is some are stationary and some are adjustable. What is the advantage and disadvantages to stationary or adjustable?

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I too would start off with the basic prime focus one easier to use and sharper images, the adjustable types are generally used with a barlow the distance from barlow to camera can be increased and this increases the effective magnification.


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thanks for the advice I did order a adjustable one http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-25-Variable-Projection-Camera-Adapter-Telescope-for-Cannon-DSLR-Camera-EOS-/251294859302?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a82574026 and I already have a standard celestron t adaptor now ill have many options. I also ordered a sheet of solar film!!

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That will only work by having en eyepiece that fits inside the part you have just bought.

This becomes Eyepiece projection imaging, high power for the moon and planets etc. I have done this type of photography on the moon and Jupiter. The hardest thing with eyepiece projection is that the FOV is very small and getting the planet into the chip is often rather difficult.

It's fun with the moon though and fairly easy :)


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