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The Sun - 3rd Aug 2014

David Smith

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Well so much for the BBC weather app's "sunny" icon. Turns out mostly cloudy with occasional gaps and horrible seeing to boot. Hopefully it will improve later and I will get another go. Had high hopes of doing a run or two with the PST today as well. That will teach me to sleep through my alarm but was out till nearly 3 am looking for comet Jacques.

14836631563_5c814f6841_o.jpg20140803 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Looks pretty good to me , considering the conditions ... :smiley:

 No point trying to catch some sleep at that time , you'd have been better doing a spot of gardening , cutting the grass or washing the car for a couple of hours ...  :p

I shan't rub it in by telling you that the sky was absolutely beautifully clear and blue with very steady seeing at seven 'o' clock  ........ oh sorry , I just did ...  :grin:

Hope you catch some good stuff later ...  :laugh:

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Looks good to my eyes, David :smiley:

I was tempted to observe last night but gave it a skip as I wanted to be up early for Sol, with things looking pretty lively on the disc. Just as well, I had a long session fiddling about and a nice bit of observing too. Shattered!

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Thanks guys.

@Steve - thanks for that :p

@Jarrod - Yes I did find the comet, was only in 10x50 bins but it is quite obvious against what was still quite a dark sky at just after 2 am BST.

@ Luke - was a toss up for me last night but I have not done many night obs lately and I was not sleepy so decided to get out and make the most of the starry sky.

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I bet you had some fab views last night? I had a look at astro darkness on FLO's fancy weather site, but was feeling a bit tired :embarrassed: Well done fitting in both and good luck for later with the PST, I am not sure who ordered all this patchy cloud?!!

@ Luke - was a toss up for me last night but I have not done many night obs lately and I was not sleepy so decided to get out and make the most of the starry sky.

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