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Catching up

David Smith

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A few days away in north Cornwall but still managed to capture a few bits as I managed to squeeze the PST in the car. Much to the kids disgust we had no mobile reception hence these have been stuck in my laptop for a few days.

White light from Monday captured quick before we left but did not have time to process or post

14802212074_0e6ea9f25b_o.jpg20140728 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

Wednesday H alpha - Full disk

14617941429_391c060fb1_o.jpg20140730 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

and close ups with 2x barlow

14781597056_6ee1e7df16_o.jpg20140730_AR1 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

14617974148_a35e11821a_o.jpg20140730_AR2 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

I also took some "white light" avi's with the PST but am having trouble processing these :mad: Will persevere!

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One of the white light avi's from Wednesday. This has been a real pig to process. Couldn't get anything out of AS!2 and Registax would not play with the TIFF's generated by PIPP. Ended up generating BMP's from PIPP and then stacking in R5.1. It's not particularly pretty but I think it is the best I can do with the data I have. Not sure if I will ever get anything postable from the other 2 avi's.

14785510836_fcd0b01d6c_o.jpg20140730 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Very well done getting a result, David :)

Movies that won't stack are my biggest annoyance with solar imaging. I think I have 20 or 30 movies from hols still that I have not yet been able to stack :shocked:  It tends to be my images that I let drift with my non-tracking that cause the most stacking problems hence I have a whole bunch of the bad 'uns from hols.

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Ok, managed to get something half decent from at least one of the avi's. I think I need to refine the capture process if I am going to use the PST in this way in the future. Although for the number of days a year I am likely to use it in this way I am not sure it will be worth the effort.

14808301072_7eb41888f9_o.jpg20140730_AR2 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

14806290224_05b37453a2_o.jpg20140730_AR1 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Very well done getting a result, David :)

Movies that won't stack are my biggest annoyance with solar imaging. I think I have 20 or 30 movies from hols still that I have not yet been able to stack :shocked:  It tends to be my images that I let drift with my non-tracking that cause the most stacking problems hence I have a whole bunch of the bad 'uns from hols.

Thanks Luke. Unfortunately I need to let the disk drift partly because I do not have a tracking mount but mostly because I need to try and remove the interference pattern. I think you are probably right though as those avi's with less drift seem to stack better. I am not sure why Registax keeps giving me the access violation error when I try and process TIFF's though :icon_scratch: And AS!2 really seems to have a problem with my white light disks. If it were the drift causing the issue again then my H alpha avi's should suffer exactly the same.

My head hurts now, going for a lye down :icon_pale: At least I only had a half dozen to play with

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Ah, that's interesting.

My Quark drift images seem to be a bit more prone to stacking problems than my SolarMax 60 ones, and the focal length is a bit more with the Quark, maybe that is why then?

Though I also have a bit of an issue drift imaging with my faulty Quark that will hopefully be replaced soon. It seems to need a flat as the sensor is a bit grubby and I daren't attempt clean it because of the issues. I didn't ever take flats with my SM60 with drift as it took care of the dust. So I hope the stacking rate will go up a bit when I get my replacement, I am so happy SCS Astro let me hang onto this one while I wait (though a touch disappointed Daystar sent it out in this condition - I will be delighted if they send me a good 'un as the product itself blows me away). :laugh: Regular imaging is fine if I take a flat :)

Thanks Luke. Unfortunately I need to let the disk drift partly because I do not have a tracking mount but mostly because I need to try and remove the interference pattern. I think you are probably right though as those avi's with less drift seem to stack better. I am not sure why Registax keeps giving me the access violation error when I try and process TIFF's though :icon_scratch: And AS!2 really seems to have a problem with my white light disks. If it were the drift causing the issue again then my H alpha avi's should suffer exactly the same.

My head hurts now, going for a lye down :icon_pale: At least I only had a half dozen to play with

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Very nice work, David :)

Are you drizzling the PST shots? Very impressive detail/image scale :icon_salut:

Sorry Luke, didn't pick up on this before. No, I don't use drizzle, I did have a go with 1.5x drizzle on the h alpha images but found the resultant image was significantly poorer for it.

Any news on your replacement Quark yet?

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Thanks about the drizzle, wow, you are getting such good detail. Solar imaging is incredible. I would have thought you'd need something like 100mm to get this kind of shot before I got into solar imaging. Crazy.

I tried drizzle too but it doesn't seem to work for me so well but I didn't know if it's just how I process them. With sharpening I get jagged edges showing up very quickly, but then a lot of folks seem to get great results with drizzled planet images :confused:

I am waiting for an update from SCS Astro on the Quark, hoping it won't be too much longer though thankfully I have not been Quarkless in the meantime. I see some folks have had a long wait for the Lunt 50, hope they get their fancy new scope soon.

Sorry Luke, didn't pick up on this before. No, I don't use drizzle, I did have a go with 1.5x drizzle on the h alpha images but found the resultant image was significantly poorer for it.

Any news on your replacement Quark yet?

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