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NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula in Ha


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My new target - a bit brighter than the last one. Hoping to complete a colour NB image on this one, this image is the Ha stack (8 x 20min subs). I ignored the forecasts for intermittant cloud because the sat images looked more optimistic than that, and that hunch proved to be correct as it was clear all night. I also captured 3 good 20min subs in OIII so a very fruitful session I think.




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that is gonna be great with some color.

thas a pretty wide field. is it from your 80mm APO with the 490 ex?

Should have said, it's my NP127is @ native f/l (660mm).

I scraped together a bi-colour with the 1hrs worth of OIII data I collected last night:



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Looking great, very promising!

What is the general opinion on moonlight and OIII subs - how much moonlight can you get away with?

Well there is no cut-off point, and all filters are not created equal. The best immunity is provided by the ultra narrow 3nM Astrodon filter, which (if I understand their claim) offers 90% signal even in full moonlight. I assume that would not be pointing close to a full moon but in the most advantageous direction away from it. If there is any mist/thin cloud around I should think all bets are off. 


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My first attempt to composite the three channels into a HST palette. Probably not the last attempt because I may eventually work out how to do it properly sometime in the distant future...  Both SII and OIII are very weak but the Ha is very bright, makes balancing the colours difficult. This is a fairly heavy crop of the full frame to show detail in the bubble interior (as best I can).



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Missed these. Great images. The Hubble is very informative and accentuates the structure of the Bubble beautifully.

Our common or garden Baader O111 is not very moonproof at all. We have an Astrodon on order but no sign if it has yet appeared!


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Missed these. Great images. The Hubble is very informative and accentuates the structure of the Bubble beautifully.

Our common or garden Baader O111 is not very moonproof at all. We have an Astrodon on order but no sign if it has yet appeared!


Thanks Olly, I also have a 3nM OIII filter incoming and I'm glad I don't need a 2" version because the prices are frightening!


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That's a lovely image Chris. Are you going to do a colour version of the full frame? I like the framing of the whole area very much - gives it all some context.

Many thanks, I do have the full frame version but I'm still trying to work out how best to process a combination of bright and dim features. I'm going to read up on how it's done then try again.


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I think I spent longer processing now that I have collecting the data! Anyway, I'm pleased with the improvements - especially to the fine detail in the bubble (at the expense of overall smoothness unfortunately). After making the standard HST composit I created a 'luminance' from all the subs combined and processed that seperately, then created an LRGB with that, then used Ps to fine tune (Noel's and Annie's actions mostly, but some regional modifications as well.

This is the result - both crop and full frame.




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