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Saturn at last !

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After what seems like a lifetime of faffing about, I've finally got something that vaguely resembles the ringed beauty.

200PDS, HEQ5pro, Opticstar AG130m, 3xED barlow, 90 sec avi via Sharpcap 2, PIPP and AutoStakkert!2

Have given up on the Opticstar camera, and have just rigged up the Canon with barlow to retry capturing it and make it lots bigger. All being good I'll get another go tonight.

Cheers, Lee


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Yes, well done Lee! The first time I tried to image Saturn I couldn't even get it onto the camera sensor. I must have "faffed" about for an hour or more and in the end I gave up. :BangHead:

I have a better technique now and so my head doesn't hurt so much these days! :grin:

Good luck with the DSLR. Don't forget to keep the shutter speed up. Darker is better as you can bring up the brightness/detail in post production. If you burn out the image to start with, there is no way you will get any detail out of the planet.

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I've just come in from a top night. I got the Canon with a 3xedbarlow rigged up to the 200pds and managed to get a load of 2 -3 min captures, mostly in crop mode.
The results are starting to look ok, I'm running the .mov's through PIPP before AutoStakkert!2.
Will post the results in the morning as my eyes are now on stalks !!!

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Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check this out, a bit better than last nights attempt, so so chuffed with this, also, I've got loads more BETTER data to get through


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The latest capture is great with lots of detail - good job! Have you tried balancing the colour to reduce the blue tinge (I would use the colour balance option in Registax and select auto-balance) - you'll get a much more natural looking image :smiley:

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