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M81 and 82 (epidemic of the blighters)


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These 2 seem to be popping up all over the place! After capturing M81 and 82 I wondered about getting a wider field to paste them into so that I could have them in the same image. So on Monday night I used an ED80 with a 0.67 reducer. I did it unguided since I have a collimation screw missing on one of my guide rings and also didn't have much time to set up. This is 42x1min of luminence through a CLS and the same for each RGB - not binned for a change. I added in the Ha starburst detail from M82 to get this -


(click to enlarge)

Here is the image with my previous M81 pasted on top


(click to enlarge)

Maybe this is cheating but it's pretty pictures not science. Actually the M81 in the widefield doesn't look too bad in comparison!

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Very nice Martin, and cheating is far to harsh a description for exercising a little artistic licence. You did all the work legally, you acquired all the data yourself and all you have done is a bit extra work to make it a better treat for the eye. Not cheating, just a tidy up.

Artists aand artistes do it all the time. So, you aint going to gaol buddy.

Have I convinced you ? :D

Ron. :D

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