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First View of the Sun


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Well, I took the plunge and had my first view of the sun this afternoon.

Not the best time of day, or position (for my location), but it's the first time I've seen the sun since I got my solar film.

And very impressed I am too! A nice clear, white disc (wisps of clouds).

I was very careful, checked the film before I put it on the off-axis aperture, made sure my finder was covered, etc. No risks here!!

Once I get the camera back, gonna take some pics - well, try anyway!!!

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snip> but thats one star I don't think I'll ever have an urge to look at through the scope..... :?

??? After all I've said about how to observe it and what to look for? I'm stunned! How could you NOT want to see it? It's the most active thing you'll see in the sky, bar none.

(I must be slipping, somehow....)>scratches head< :scratch:

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Sometimes the Sun can appear to be very bland - espeicially in a white light filter. But it's always worth looking at because when the has sunspots it's great to watch the daily change in size / shape and position... You can actually watch the sun revolving.

If you move up to Ha filters then you can see all sorts of stunning stuff!


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Caz if you ever get the chance to look at the sun through

an HA filtered scope do it and i mean DO IT.

If you do it properly it will take your breath away not your eyesight.

One of the most stunning sights i have ever seen.

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Just a little warning for anyone, Few years ago I had a go at projection of the sun with a 6inch reflector. I was a smoker at the time, and as I forgot to take a lighter with me I tried to light my fag from the light coming out from the eye piece. Well it was not a case of a few seconds for it to light it was more like Instant. I would be blind intently maybe even worse if I had looked though the eye piece. just remember that Also remember to keep a cover on your finderscope as well


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Mark: Your experience is one reason I recommend only viewing the Sun with a full aperture filter, unless it's a scope dedicated to solar viewing, like mine. It's just too dangerous to fool with.

However, when saftey procedures are followed, (as posted in other sections of this forum), viewing the Sun can be fascinating. You can check my description in another thread, ("Do you do/enjoy solar viewing?", or something like that.

It's just too bad your collective enthusiasm is waxing as the Sun's activity is waning. Solar max was 4 years ago or so, and it's been fairly quiet recently. Today shows a couple small groups, but not a lot as it has been. Check out the SOHO satellite site for a current photo, then decide whether to drag out the solar scope. That's what I do.

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Ah, but it will wax again and we (I) shall be ready!

As you said earlier, it's the most active thing we are ever likely to see :lol:

And the other plus, my telescope can now be used during the day as well - doubles it's usefulnes :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

ASTRONOMY:- /e`stranemi/ `n` the scientific study of celestial objects, of space, and of the physical universe as a whole.

ASTRONOMER:- `n` from the Latin and Greek astronomia/astronomos star-arranging

with out the study of the sun, would we be able to call ourselves either of the above. Orion

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes talking about the danger My buddy who I shall not name had a misshap at Kielder last year we had been having really bad weather for two nights but had a sunny morning so lots of us set up various scopes for the solar observing my mate had two scopes piggybacked he set up his main one very nicely saw some sunspot activity he for some strange reason took off the front cover away from his other scope he left the eyepice end cover on suddenly we saw black smoke rising we thought it must be the motor assembly giving trouble until it then started to flame at now his focusser cover has a 10mm hole in it that did teach us all a lesson that day!

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