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M13 - LRGB


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First go at doing a glob in LRGB, lum data from end of April and RGB from last night (nearly full moon was a pain though)

Lum 20x300s 1x1

RGB all 8x300s  1x1

Flats and darks and bias applied

383L+ Mono @ -20deg, OAG and MN190

Full size here (although I'm thinking its over saturated now )


and slightly lower saturation here


Thanks for looking


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That is terrific. These are not easy targets by any means if you want them to sparkle like the visual view. I love your clear distinction in star colour within the globular, too.

I never know what to think about luminance on globulars. What is it going to do? I tend to go for plain RGB since I'm not after anything faint. However, this is a cracker.


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Thanks for the  comments gents,.

thats a good point about the luminance.   My lum channel  certainly

helped bring  the background noise down  due to the  greater number of subs , but  washed out the star colours  in the Glob, think I settled for a 40% blend with the RGB layer.

I did most of the processing on the lum channel, eg Sharpening, levels, curves and noise reduction. The RGB channels I only did saturation and  some levels. 

I might give give it another  pass and just go with the RGB and see how it comes out, may need to add more subs though to get the noise down?



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Yeah the moon was up and bright, but being the first and only clear night in two weeks (as it always is with bright moons? ) I decided to give it a go all the same. Fortunately there wasn't too much of that fine misty stuff around so the scatter from the moon was reasonably low. Plus M13 is nice and bright so seems to punch through :)

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