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This was captured over night on Saturday into Sunday.

I was using Steve's ( FLO ) William Optics FLT 110 apo which I still have on loan

I was really after the Ha starburst so gave it 4 hours of Ha in 20 min subs. Along with just 12x3 min lum with a CLS filter and 12 binned colour subs in each channel 44:40:56 secs

I'm really pleased with the way the Ha has come out. There isn't much to see on the individual subs but 4 hours really allows you to push the stretching.


(click to enlarge)

A larger image and more details can be seen on my web site http://www.astropixels.co.uk/

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Excellent Martin,

The Ha has really brought out the central region. I like the way you've combined it too, sometimes I've seen similar images but they've looked a bit artificial, yours is great :D



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