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Blurry vision, even of the moon


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I have just got my brand new skyliner 200p and I have checked the collimation which is OK i think? (see Picture attachement).

However, when I look at the moon trhough my telescope it's extremly blury, almost like looking at a light bulb wihtout any details at all... Simply put, if I asked a random guy on the street what the Picture I see through my telescope is they wouldn't be able to see that it was the moon at all..

I have tried with booth lenses that came with the Scope, 10x and 25x I think, and without a barlow. I have also tried to adjust the focuser(?) "up and Down" (the two Wheel things to adjust focus I believe).

What am I doing wrong here? I'm sorry for the bad explanation, I'm totally New to this game and all the Expressions.


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You might need to 'unlock' the focuser using the larger silver screw on the underside , with it done up the wheels will turn but the tube will not move in and out.

The other thing might be that you have both adapters in the focuser together , there is a 2" adapter and an 1-1/4" adapter , if both are used at the same time you cannot get the telescope to come into sharp focus.

Hope this helps.

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I know for a fact I used both adapters the first time, but I'm a bit unsure if I took one of them out the next time. I think I did, but I will try again to be sure and come back to you with the results.

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I have just got my brand new skyliner 200p and I have checked the collimation which is OK i think? (see Picture attachement).

However, when I look at the moon trhough my telescope it's extremly blury, almost like looking at a light bulb wihtout any details at all... Simply put, if I asked a random guy on the street what the Picture I see through my telescope is they wouldn't be able to see that it was the moon at all..

I have tried with booth lenses that came with the Scope, 10x and 25x I think, and without a barlow. I have also tried to adjust the focuser(?) "up and Down" (the two Wheel things to adjust focus I believe).

What am I doing wrong here? I'm sorry for the bad explanation, I'm totally New to this game and all the Expressions.

If the moon is too bright, I don't bother with filters, either wait a bit and you get used to it or on the apeture cap on skywatchers, there's a 2" cap. just take that off and leave the large cap on. this is termed "masking down".

try these check points:

1.ensure you only have the 1.25" tube in the focuser (unless you have 2" e.p.'s)

2. make sure the screw/knob under the focuser is loose and that the focus tube moves in and out when you turn the wheels.

3. check focus on a star. while the moon is easy to focus on once you get the hang of it, testing on a star when you first start will let you see that the focuser is working and you can get pretty close focus by making sure the star is as small a dot as possible.

While your collimation is out and could do with a tweak, I seriously doubt it's bad enough to make the moon unrecognisable.

 Just have patience, be methodical and it'll all come together ...above all, remember, unless this is your job, it's all about having fun :D.

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While your collimation is out and could do with a tweak, I seriously doubt it's bad enough to make the moon unrecognisable.

Have to agree. The only way you would not know you are looking at the moon through a scope is if it was grossly out of focus. However, you would almost instantly know this and correct it by getting proper focus.

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I'd say the collimation is quite a bit off. You want the black dot (secondary mirror) to be dead centre in those cross-hairs. Unless its meant to be off-centre in your scope?

I was wrong. Collimation could do with sorting. Lined mine up in the classic configuration and it is way better. Learned something there.

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I was wrong. Collimation could do with sorting. Lined mine up in the classic configuration and it is way better. Learned something there.

Ive been helpful on the topic of collimation?

First time for everything, i guess. Collimation is not something i worry about much and ive only done it once just to see how easy/difficult it is.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the help guys! Like some others I used two adapters <-- this resolved my problem

However, I have a small issue with the finders scope. I aim at a star with the finders scope, but when I look through the telescope the star is not vissible and I have to search manually for it.. This makes the finders scope pretty useless in my opinion... ?

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You need to align the finderscope with the scope this is best done during the daylight the first couple of times till you get used to doing it

Align the scope on a tv aerial or tree as far away as you can then adjust the finder till you get the same view

Hope this helps

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You need to align the finderscope with the scope this is best done during the daylight the first couple of times till you get used to doing it

Align the scope on a tv aerial or tree as far away as you can then adjust the finder till you get the same view

Hope this helps

Thanks, I will try it out :-)

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Dont worry too much it all clicks into place. First time out with my new scope it was a full Moon. Couldnt wait to see it . Looked through ep, total darkness. Tried for an age same result , nothing but total darkness . Im thinking , its big enough, surley i should be able to find it. Second night same result, third night same result, fourth night same result . Night five ....realised that i had the scope with the primary pointing towards the Moon instead of the apperture ROFL...( and blushing while i type) live and learn ......( cant believe i did that) ......

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There are screws on the finder which allow you to align it. It is best to align the finder in the day using a tree or something.

Yup, there should be 2 thumb screws, and a third, sprung loaded screw. They should adjust the finder's alignment.

You may find a finder like a Telrad or Rigel Quickfinder easier though. I tend to use both one of those and a finder scope - though it's more to align when you set the scope up!

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