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Leo's Tail @ a Nifty Fifty

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twas a dark night, and not a mouse in sight.

ok the odd Bat flying around, the  6 street lamps in my road

and the large city about 3 miles away lighting up the sky. 

focused up on jupiter ( auto focus worked for once). reset camera to

roughly in Leo's direction and let go with 4x 10s subs @1600ISO and Wide Open

at F1.8.

every shot was washed in that nasty orange glow, like someone had replaced

the sky with a energy saving light bulb.

I stacked with DSS, i swore at DSS, i cussed it and hammered the keys

but still DSS stacked a large overly white exposed image. 

so i took said images into gimp. adjusted and clipped the black levels

adjusted the midtones and sacked the highlights. 

I took a single 10s dark frame, shoved the lot back into DSS and got

this. the street light has blown the center mid but the rest came out not bad.

light pollution is so bad you dont see any hint of the milkyway and M42 is a fuzzy star.

it needs work, i need a mountain top 500 miles from any town/village/city.

but its a start. 


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The problem with wider lenses is they pick up the LP gradients really badly - halve the field of view and you halve the gradient. Also, I tend to use my my nifty at F4 to get rid of vignetting and so have a more even and easier to process background. Light pollution filters help too - I front-mount a 2” Baader UHC-S on my nifty.

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