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 Recently purchased a Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT and was going to invest in an autofocuser but none available for this Model, only a Skywatcher, However reliably informed the Skywatcher can be adapted for the Celestron, possibly using a rubber band!

Anyone have the same problem but managed to convert the Skywatcher to fit? Would be interested to hear, and details of how done.

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hi spot-on,

i too have a 127 slt. i have been looking for an autofocuser. and to-date no joy. they don't seem to exist. i have been pointed to  DIY job, but i'd rather have a purpose built one.

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I modded the standard Skywatcher one to fit my 127 Mak: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/135260-127-mak-motor-drive-focuser/

I'm in the process of modding one to fit my PST stage 0.5 mod, though this will be slightly more advanced and include a clutch.  That's a bit of a test run for doing the same for the external focuser of my C9.25 which will be very similar but is just more awkward to fit the motor mounting bracket to.  I ordered the pulleys and belts today, so hopefully I should have them by the weekend.


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hi spot-on,

i too have a 127 slt. i have been looking for an autofocuser. and to-date no joy. they don't seem to exist. i have been pointed to  DIY job, but i'd rather have a purpose built one.

Don't know if this helps. about a dozen lines down it says they do an SCT version.



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I modded the standard Skywatcher one to fit my 127 Mak: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/135260-127-mak-motor-drive-focuser/

I'm in the process of modding one to fit my PST stage 0.5 mod, though this will be slightly more advanced and include a clutch.  That's a bit of a test run for doing the same for the external focuser of my C9.25 which will be very similar but is just more awkward to fit the motor mounting bracket to.  I ordered the pulleys and belts today, so hopefully I should have them by the weekend.


Hi James,

did you have any luck with this; and can I ask where you have been getting your raw materials?  I am thinking of trying to make an autofocuser for the SCT MicroFocuser on my 8SE as I had real problems with wobble when I was trying to manually focus for imaging Jupiter a couple of nights ago,


Dave :)

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Hi James, please ignore this question, I have re-read your linked to thread any found the name of the company selling all of the bits. I have decided to try building my own auto focuser from scratch, if it works (unlikely :D) and proves useful, I will start a new thread with build details.

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Yup, motionco are pretty good for the timing pulleys and belts etc.  I've used the standard Skywatcher motor focuser as the basis and the rest of the bits are either stuff I've had lying about or when I've needed brass or aluminium stock (and in fact stainless screws) in small volume I usually get it from ebay.

If you have a hunt around in the DIY section I think you'll also find some threads on building motorised focusers from scratch if you want to go the whole hog.


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for pulleys and belts you may also want to check out radio controlled cars,

we run belt and pully drive systems. 

you can also take two servos wire and them together.

when one servo is turned by hand the other servo moves the same amount

(no batterys needed at all ) 

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Just had a chat with the guy from Motionco to make sure that what I had ordered at 1am this morning actually was what I needed (made a few mistakes in the past doing this :D).  Very helpful chap, and quite please that I did order the right things :shocked:.  There is going to be a delay in shipping as one of the 11 things I ordered was not in stock :sad:, but he said it should be in by Thursday, so I might get it before the weekend :).  Look forward to having a play at making this, and really hope I get it to work :lipsrsealed:.

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