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Leo triplets at 250mm


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Not sure if this fits better in the widefield area, but oh well. :)

Managed to get 50x 60s exposures at 250mm F/7.1 ISO 3200 this night in between the clouds,trees and street lights.

Canon 550D, EF-s 55-250 @ 250 F/7.1. No calibration files used.

Just for fun i run it trough astrometry.net's "enhanche" function, and got remarcably better galaxies.

On the 2nd pic, i borrowd some lum. data of the galaxies from astrometry's enhanche picture, and overlayed it. It surly looks better - i just wonder if it's actually my data or not..? Does anyone know if they actually just enhanche your actual data, or if they add data to make it better?



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Nice widefield!

About the enhance function, i think it is adding data maybe? I only say that as i've never even heard of it before and if its doing that with data hidden in you image then i think everyone would be using it! It really does do a good job although i think your original image has more detail in the galaxies.

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Thanks. :)

I belive it adds data too. This is how it looks right "out of the box" when running it trough enhance.

I only stole and added some of it's lum to the galaxies.

They have a coupple of other modes to, but i don't really know what they are - SDSS and GALEX.



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Thanks. :)

I had almost decided never to bother with a zoom lens again, but as it wasn't very good conditions, my scope was currently not ready to use, i gave it a go anyway.

It turned out better then i expected as a wide-field image.

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