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Full moon

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Hello everybody,

so here we go my attempt to the full moon.

34 shots, 1/1000 ISO 200

8" dob and canon 1100D.

Processed with PIPP, stacked on AS2!, wavelets on Registax and a touch of Photoshop.

The seeing was so so but anyway i think that it worth to be printed for my son's room :p

Thanks for watching :)


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Very nice, I'm sure your son will be as pleased as you when you print it.

It's so amazing how flat the moon looks with the front light. There are bits in there that are so hard to make out when you see the moon in partial light due to the side lighting, I wonder if anyone has created a stacked image of sorts over time from all the moon phases to so all the detail.

Sorry that takes nothing away from your image, I would be very pleased with that and may actually get something similar if the skies actually clear here up in the north.

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Very nice, I'm sure your son will be as pleased as you when you print it.

It's so amazing how flat the moon looks with the front light. There are bits in there that are so hard to make out when you see the moon in partial light due to the side lighting, I wonder if anyone has created a stacked image of sorts over time from all the moon phases to so all the detail.

Sorry that takes nothing away from your image, I would be very pleased with that and may actually get something similar if the skies actually clear here up in the north.

You gave me a cool idea about the stacking with the moon phases :)

Thank you for your comment :)

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You gave me a cool idea about the stacking with the moon phases :)

Thank you for your comment :)

Would be something interesting to see, a lot of work and a lot of different nights viewing. Not easy with our weather.

can see all the ray traces better with a full moon though

Very true, but what made me think of it was that the other night when around half moon I remember looking at a detailed crater, later on it is almost non existent due to the front lighting.

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