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Buy 25mm TV Plossl or 25mm Ortho


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I am thinking of buying a pair of 25mm TV Plossls or 25mm Orthos for binoviewing.

They will give me x200 in my Maksutov and will be used for Planetary viewing only.

They are a similar price so I just would like to ask if anyone has compared these on the planets and if so which gave the best detail ?

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Thanks for the info guys.

I was thinking about a pair of Fujiyama HD Orthos but It seems the TV Plossls are the favorites so far.

Yong - I did consider the SLV's but they are quite expensive and have a large diameter top which may be an issue in my Binoviewers as I have a small IPD

At the moment I use a pair of Tal 25mm Plossls which give very good results - not sure how much improvement I will get by getting the HD Orthos or TV Plossls..........

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I am thinking of buying a pair of 25mm TV Plossls or 25mm Orthos for binoviewing.

They will give me x200 in my Maksutov and will be used for Planetary viewing only.

They are a similar price so I just would like to ask if anyone has compared these on the planets and if so which gave the best detail ?

I have TS Plossls 25mm and many 25mm orthos, and I liked much more any 25mm ortho than 25mm Plossls.

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But when we talk TV PLossl 25 vs Ortho 25, I would alway pick great ortho because Plossl 25mm provide also little warm tone on pict, and I do not like this.

But this ortho I had was not good(I know, it is 24mm, but I mention it in any case).


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I've got tv plossls and bgo's. Honestly it's hard to pick between them as they're both excellent.

The only difference in terms of viewing quality is the tv's have a slightly darker background.


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I am thinking of buying a pair of 25mm TV Plossls or 25mm Orthos for binoviewing.

They will give me x200 in my Maksutov and will be used for Planetary viewing only.

They are a similar price so I just would like to ask if anyone has compared these on the planets and if so which gave the best detail ?

What bino you use?

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According to Wikipedia (see below) Ortho's between 40º-46º FoV and Plossl's are 50º FoV:


I have 2x 6mm Ortho's (see my signature). One is 1.25" the other is 0.965". The 0.965" was my first "real" accessory that I purchased. I use it with a 0.965" to 1.25" adaptor.

TeleVue eyepieces are 'kind' on scopes and offer excellant eye-relief and are parfocal.

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Thanks for the info guys.

I was thinking about a pair of Fujiyama HD Orthos but It seems the TV Plossls are the favorites so far.

Yong - I did consider the SLV's but they are quite expensive and have a large diameter top which may be an issue in my Binoviewers as I have a small IPD

At the moment I use a pair of Tal 25mm Plossls which give very good results - not sure how much improvement I will get by getting the HD Orthos or TV Plossls..........

I have a pair of 15 mm NLVs for binos and they are optically excellent but quite wide at the top. They work in binos but my TV plossls are much more comfortable to use and I personally like the soft eyecups. A lot of people use binos for comfort and soft rubber eyecups make a difference in this aspect.
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The 25mm TV plossl is a bit wider than a standard plossl which might be an issue. It's probably not quite as wide as a Vixen SLV though but there may not be much in it.

TV plossls have been measured to have higher light throughput than most eyepeices including orthos, which might be a factor when viewing deep sky objects.

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But when we talk TV PLossl 25 vs Ortho 25, I would alway pick great ortho because Plossl 25mm provide also little warm tone on pict, and I do not like this.

But this ortho I had was not good(I know, it is 24mm, but I mention it in any case).


denis,if you were to choose the top ortho in the 25mm range,which would it be?Great eyepieces by the way

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I think I would go for the two Televue Plossl eyepieces just for that bit extra FOV. OK they may well have a slight colour cast but this in my books does not make the TV a bad eyepiece. I have spent ages trying to see the so called cast in Radians against my Delos offerings and I am really struggling, I can only imaging it is more obvious in much larger scopes than I own because there is very little wrong with my eyes. I used to have to do an eye test for colour perception when I was working and my eyes were the best out of all people tested, OK that was 10 years ago but I am not blind now.


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denis,if you were to choose the top ortho in the 25mm range,which would it be?Great eyepieces by the way

Thank you!

Ok, I will make range from best to less better:

1. Leica 25mm - BEST, SUPERB

2. Zeiss S-PL 10x/20 25mm ortho - second best, SUPERB

3. any Zeiss aspheric orthos like PL and E-PL versions with 25mm FL and ZAO I 25mm - almost good as Zeiss S-PL

4. Fujiyama/Takahashi and clones 25mm

5. Kasai VT 25mm ortho

6. TV 25mm Plossl - it do not produce natural neutral images of objects

7. ES 24mm 68 deg - less light transmittion than TV Plossl 25mm, brighter image and more comfortable in term of ER than Panoptic 24, also waterproof while Pan 24 is not

8. Panoptic 24mm - warmer tint than orthos

9. Taiwanese 25mm Plossls

10. Chinesse 24mm ortho (TS and clones)

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@Dennis - you have some very nice eyepieces, I am using a Baader MK V Binoviewer.

Thank you!

I had also MkV binos (three of them), but when I compare MkV vs real Zeiss binos, it is obvious that Zeiss binos are better mechanically and optically.

BTW, if someone do not know, prisms on MkV are made in Czech Republic, not in Germany as Zeiss optics are made.

Anyway, only by direct comparations MkV vs Zeiss you can see how Zeiss binos are better mechanically and optically.

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The extra eye-relief on the Orthos may require the addition of eyecaps for ease-of-use when binoviewing, whereas the TVs should be good-to-go out of the box...

Very true Jeremy. I've tried the Fuji and Astro Hutech 25mm orthos and found them optically just as good as the rest but I had to "hover" my eye some way off the top of the eyepiece which wasn't very relaxing and let stray light onto the eye lens. Some form of extending eye cup would be very helpful here.

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Very true Jeremy. I've tried the Fuji and Astro Hutech 25mm orthos and found them optically just as good as the rest but I had to "hover" my eye some way off the top of the eyepiece which wasn't very relaxing and let stray light onto the eye lens. Some form of extending eye cup would be very helpful here.

Would you consider the new Takahashi's 25mm has a minor plus in this regards?

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Would you consider the new Takahashi's 25mm has a minor plus in this regards?

From the pictures I have seen of the Tak 25mm Abbe Ortho it has a nice rubber eye cup and it looks like the eye lens is recessed a fair way. Both will contribute greatly to the usability of the eyepiece for me so I'd see it as a major plus. I find the 25mm Fujiyama and Astro Hutech orthos highly frustrating to use in all honesty.

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