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TeleVue Planetary Filter

allen g

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I am not a fan of planetary filters as I did not like the artificial color. However, I just purchased the TV planetary

filter (not the A or B) but the planetary which can used not only for mars but also for Jupiter and Saturn. Other night

tried it for the first time with my NP 101. Used a 6 & 8mm delos (with tv barlow 2x). Magnitude 180 (exit pupil .56) and 135 (.74), respectively. The view of Jupiter was magnificent > the best I have seen and approximates what photos reveal.

The bands were perfect in color and the brightest that is seen without a filter was muted so details were visible. Not an

easy filter to find, not cheap, but a great filter. Interestingly, TV provides no specs so it was a gamble but won on this

one. Can't wait to view mars and Saturn. Anyone else ever tried this filter?

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I am not sure if  this is a post just for people named Alan / Allen so I hope you don't mind a Shaun joining in :grin:

I would also be very interested in this filter if you can let me know where to get one from, photographic detail sounds very enticing indeed :smiley:

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That is interesting  :smiley:

I don't generally used planetary filters but I might be prepared to make an exception !

Tele Vue's narrowband and line filters don't seem to generate much enthusiasm on other forums so I've not taken much interest in those. Maybe their planetary filters are different ?

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If it is the TeleVue Mars filter, then which one? 'A' or 'B'

Thank you.

There is a 3rd filter listed after the Mars A and B ones:

"Bandmate™ Planetary Filters

Maintains the exceptional contrast of the Type-A with a more neutral color balance that particularly enhances viewing Jupiter and Saturn."

The Mars A and B filters are £92 each and the Planetary is £107.

These were released by Tele Vue around a year ago.

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I have to say i have been aware of the Mars filters for some time and the other two Televue do  ( OIII & UHC/Neb) but I have never seen or heard of this one before.  I tried to get a Mars "A" some time back but they were out of stock dispite the site saying different, but this was not an English company.


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Can I be so bold as to say "why not buy one and try it", then tell me how good it is then I will try to get one :smiley:


Allen seems impressed Alan so we know it must be good  :smiley:

Besides, my astro budget is definitely running on "empty" at the moment as I've purchased a Nagler zoom, a Hyperion zoom and an EQ6 over the past few weeks    :undecided:

The WO XWA 101 degree 9mm and the 3 Vixen SLV's have arrived from FLO though so I have more toys to play with there as well  :smiley:

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Sorry for the OT, but I'll be interested on your thoughts on the SLVs though, and would be nice if you coud have some NLVs to compare.

Good grief, you must have a backlog of equipment to review after all the weather.  Still, if you get the privilege to try l these nice toys I do not feel too sorry for you :laugh:

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The answers are above > there is a type A and type B both designed for Mars. I have never used them but very tempted after using the planetary filter. I purchased mine from opt corp in California (I reside in Los Angeles). they only had one planetary left so I took a crack at it. As I mentioned for whatever reason they are not easy to find. The are back ordered on type B and I am contemplating getting it as mars this season is to be give great views. I do know from a TV rep that the company is very particular about their products and if not up to snuff to their standards they will not release the product. I am not aware of being able to email TV but they do pick the phone. Hope one or more of you guys get a chance to obtain one or more of these filters. Let us know.

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I agree Allen, Tele Vue put quality very, very high up their agenda in all their products. I phoned them myself once from the UK and ended up speaking briefly with David Nagler, who was very approachable and helpful.

Sorry for the OT, but I'll be interested on your thoughts on the SLVs though, and would be nice if you coud have some NLVs to compare.

Initial reaction here Alex:


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Quote 'allen g'

"...I do know from a TV rep that the company is very particular about their products and if not up to snuff to their standards they will not release the product."

That is encouraging to hear. I have purchased filters in the past, and the coating(s) have been terrible. I complain to the seller(s) and told that I was, "...too fussy!" That is maybe why I have a dislike of certain or some filter types.

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I just talked myself into the type B. Everything they produce is tops. Views of Mars are suppose to be exceptional this year so what to make the most of it. I have a series of color filters and they are useless and not worth the time of inserting in my EPs. Will let you all know how it goes. Hope you guys can obtain these planetary filters.

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I have to say i have been aware of the Mars filters for some time and the other two Televue do  ( OIII & UHC/Neb) but I have never seen or heard of this one before.  I tried to get a Mars "A" some time back but they were out of stock dispite the site saying different, but this was not an English company.


Alan, I wouldn't be surprised if the Bandmate Planetary has perhaps superseded the Mars Type A. It appears that Mars Type B is the only one available and Televues site states that the Planetary offers the same contrast as the Mars A, but with more neutral colour.

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The Mars filters are still both available from Telescope house in the UK but they do have listing on the planetary ones. Only problem at the moment is my UK account is all but empty as I do not use it very much and transfering money is very costly from here. The only other issue is that the same outlet seem to have a flat 30 pounds change for shipping to me which covers up to 25kg. This is of course great if it is a heavy object but a filter is just a few grams and not very expensive, this is something to pick up if I can from my mate in Sofia.

Let us all know what you think when you get yours, please.


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I guess anything is possible but for me I would simply have to buy one which would come most likely fron TS in Germany, I checked their site and see they do not list the 'planetary' which sort of leads me to believe it is a new one. I can't even see the same on Telescope Houses site, thus far only the link I think John put up seems to have them, so numbers may well be small.

The Mars duo have been around for a while and with the Red Planet coming good now it is a "would like to have rather a lot" item.  However it is always the case that anyone would love to have a bit of strength in numbers before spending a lot of money for what you end up wwith in your hand.


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