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Telescope for my amazing son

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Hey everyone.  I realize you probably get 50 posts a day asking about "What kind of Telescope should I buy?" and I'll try to get up to speed by reading through some of the forums but I thought I might throw the question out there......"What kind of telescope should I buy?" My son is starting his Jr. year of college in August and is studying astrophysics.  He has a beat up 4" reflector telescope that takes him like 20 minutes to set up and see anything with.  (I've researched enough to know the difference between a reflector and a refractor, but still don't know which is better)  He lives in Los Angeles and realistically won't get out of the city much so he is probably going to be dealing with quite a bit of light around him.   WIth this said I wanted to spend around $500.  He keeps talking about all his friends with 8" telescopes and I've even seen some 10" in that price range but I have also seen $3500 8" telescopes.  I don't think he needs/wants anything that finds stuff automatically for him as he really digs hunting around a looking for things so I'd rather see greater visability versus more bells and whistles. I wish I could spend more but dang.........College tuition is expensive!!  Is there a point where spending $750 gets you 10X's what spending $500 would get you?  Any thoughts on buying used telescopes?  (not a good idea at all?) 

I'm going to unveil it to him on a camping trip to Frazier Park, CA which I know has a few people that set up telescopes and star gaze there.  I can guarantee you it will be a sleepless night for him!

Thanks very much for taking the time to read my thread and I totally appreciate any advice you can give me!!

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Welcome to the forum sir ... :laugh: 

This one is right on the limit budget-wise but would be my choice given your requirements , a large aperture giving superb views of both faint DSOs and also planets and the Moon.

Extremely simple to operate , literally point and look , and perfect for someone happy to find his own way around the night sky .


Check the video on the page for a very good run through of the scope and an idea of it's actual physical size.

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In the US you have a lot of choice and better prices than the UK so $500 could go a long way. Even further second hand.

8-10'' collabsible Dobsonians miche be a way to go, espcially if it needs to be moved to a darker site/park.

There are a lot Dob fans on this site and for the price they punch well above their weight.

BTQ Welocme to SGL

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Making a few assumptions...

1. He will be into visual and not interest in taking pictures through it.

2. There isn't 10 flights of stairs to go up and down

To be honest I think that a Dobsonian mounted reflector is probably your best bet.

I don't know too much about American dealers, but with a quick search I found this


This is a lot of scope for your money. I'm also not familiar with the brand name, it's not one I recognise from this side of the pond.

This is the route I would go down.


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That looks just like the Revelation Astro Dob I have just bought.  The adjustable machined side bearings are identical.

I have been told by others here on SGL that they are manufactured by GSO and sold under a number of brand names, including Zhumell over in the US.  Not had first light through mine yet, but very happy with the build quality.

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  Is there a point where spending $750 gets you 10X's what spending $500 would get you?  

Unfortunately it works the exact opposite. Spending $1,000 probably won't get you 2x better than $500. To get 2x better than $1,000 you are looking at $4,000 and so on. $$$ adds up faster than inches!

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I don't know too much about American dealers, but with a quick search I found this


This is a lot of scope for your money. I'm also not familiar with the brand name, it's not one I recognise from this side of the pond.

This is the route I would go down.


This would be my choice also.

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Thanks so much for the information!  Very helpful so far.    You are correct, probably no picture taking.   He can literally spend 4 or 5 hours just looking around at stuff, he really enjoys it.  I'm not going to lie, it was pretty cool when he showed me a planet with it's two moons lit up.  He looked for it for like 30 minutes because his current scope is pretty beat up.  (I feel totally bad I can't remember which planet it was now......I feel stupid) :-)  Thanks again for the advice.

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I know that you want it to be a surprise and it is a great idea that you have in mind. :)

However could you not conversationally drop a 'hey son, if you had $500 to spend on a telescope what would  you go for?"

It may well be that he has a secret dream, or hs an idea that something other than a good Dob could be useful in his studies and or current situation.

I don't do serious imaging because I can't afford a decent camera, however I have planned to do some in the future, hence my EQ Mount route rather than Dobsonion.

Second hand is good, I bought my 200P in this way and ended up with a virtually brand new unused example.  For the more serious scopes you'll find that most people in this sport really look after their kit and only sell when they upgrade or change their observing styles. Talking to a seller will instantly confirm a true enthusiast.

Good luck,


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I know that you want it to be a surprise and it is a great idea that you have in mind. :)

However could you not conversationally drop a 'hey son, if you had $500 to spend on a telescope what would  you go for?"

It may well be that he has a secret dream, or hs an idea that something other than a good Dob could be useful in his studies and or current situation.

I don't do serious imaging because I can't afford a decent camera, however I have planned to do some in the future, hence my EQ Mount route rather than Dobsonion.

Second hand is good, I bought my 200P in this way and ended up with a virtually brand new unused example.  For the more serious scopes you'll find that most people in this sport really look after their kit and only sell when they upgrade or change their observing styles. Talking to a seller will instantly confirm a true enthusiast.

Good luck,


Astrophotography is a whole different ball game. A decent Mount would decimate his entire 500 dollar budget (and then some) and defeats the entire purpose of the OP´s intent.

I think the OP knows his son better than we do. And if he tells us his son is a visual observer enthousiast that drowns himself for hours at the eye piece, then a dob is the way to go! His son will be blown away by a 10inch dob, compared to the old 4inch one he is using now.

A 200P Newt on an EQ Mount is a complete nightmare for visual use. So don´t even go there.

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Dobsonian scopes are great gathering light buckets :grin: ,  

As with all scopes it's the EP's that really matter!, Do consider this when making your choice!.

Good EP's are not cheap, But you can pick up good S/H ones from time to time?.

Good luck in your hunt :smiley:

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Just a thought here - if he is studying with other students who may have the same intentions could they pool their resources and buy a shared scope. If you could find say 5 like-minded individuals you could get a pretty decent scope for $2500.

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Hi, Bigdamdork,

also, welcome to the SGL.

Congratulations to your son studying Astrophysics. My youngest copleted his Masters last year in astrophysics and has started his PhD. I am pretty certain your son will have access to Hubble raw data, along with files from pretty much any world class scope he choses, so the idea of getting him a scope for observation is probably a good one.

Him being in LA, I am sure there will be a very active astronomy group, so even if he does not have his own transport, getting a ride out of the city should be easy. To the North is Mt Wilson and apart from the expanse of antennae on the top, there should be plenty of opportunities to escape from the air and light pollution of the city to do some good observing. I would guess it is a good 45 mins drive from downtown, so not so bad.

New or second hand?

New equals some security with a warranty, but second hand means you get more for your money. How would your son view getting a second hand scope instead of a new one? If he sees the better quality for the money, then no problem. Personally, I have purchased some second hand stuff and the seller description is everything. If it looks like it is dropped off the manufacturers' website, then I am more careful than if it's written by someone who has actually used it and knows what (s)he is talking about. Chances are it would be better looked after that way and if/when you come to sell it on, a lot of the depreciation has already been taken up.

What to get?

Assuming this is for visual only, then the Dob is probably the best value and the recommendations, above would work well. As also mentioned, the eyepieces are key and personally, I would aim for a couple of good, low power EP's in the 20mm to 40mm range. (The Dob, for this price will be manual only, so a high powered EP woudl have the target drifting out of view very quickly. It's a tough thing to keep it central.. needs practice)

Bear in mind the proposed 8" or (especially) a 10" is pretty big and you should really consider storage and transport... Just a thought, would the College have roof access where the students can "play"?

Good luck on your choice and to your son!


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I know that you want it to be a surprise and it is a great idea that you have in mind. :)

However could you not conversationally drop a 'hey son, if you had $500 to spend on a telescope what would  you go for?"

This is what I'd recommend, too.

I have nightmares where my darling mother, knowing of my interest in telescopes, goes to a store and drops decent money on a "high power telescope" at the suggestion of the salesman or the product packaging.  You're obviously doing the right thing by asking the experienced folks here for informed opinions, of course, and there's no doubt your son will be over the moon to be given such a nice piece of equipment. 

That said, he is studying astrophysics and he already owns a reflector, so he will opinions on what scope he'd like next.  If he's anything like me, he'll get a lot of added enjoyment out researching a new scope.  There is no shortage of drastically differing opinions on the topic, he may love or hate aspects of his current rig.  He may already be saving for a new refractor or even a larger aperture version of the scope you'd get him.

Your heart is clearly in the right place and he's clearly a lucky fella to receive such a kind gift.  While discussing things with him beforehand would lessen a little of the surprise, I know I'd prefer my parent to discuss details before dropping that much money on an unexpected gift.

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"he will *have opinions on what scope he'd like next."

(It never fails.  When you don't have the option of editing a forum post, there will be errors no matter how many times you proofread it.)

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