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Crater size challenge.


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Hi all

I wasn’t happy with this it doesn’t look right for some reason, but decided to post it as a challenge to see if anyone can identify the smallest crater.

Best 100 frames from 2500 5 point aligned with a distance of 150 pixels in registax.

C11 at F/10 DMK firewire camera.

Taken on the evening of the 16th January. :D


(click to enlarge)

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Hi Trevor

I agree - it looks funny and it took me a while to figure out why. I think my brain expects things to be lit from the top left of the image. The sun is coming from the bottom right, so I see the craters as hills. Very strange effect! I can't seem to "flip" it in my head so that they look like craters. If I put it in PS and rotate 180 degrees it looks right. Very weird! :D

No idea on identifying any of the craters (or should that be hills? :D) Nice image though.


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Nice image. It looks ok to me, but then I don't have much of an idea where exactly that is, nor which direction to expect the light to come from. Other than somewhere on the moon, that would have to be my best guess. :shock: :D

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The moon is being lit by a very low sun from the right side as we look at it, Therefore a crater wall will cast it's shadow on It's floor. The wall on the left side is being illuminated by the sun, and is brightly lit. The human brain can sometimes mis interpret these shadows, and make one believe they are seeing something raised, and not depressed. One can't make out if they are seeing a hill or a hole.

Some craters in this picture, may not stand out in relief, as they are too shallow.

Ron. :D

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