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Good seeing tonight perhaps?

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fingers crossed for tonight but heavy cloud just around the setting sun and it ain't moving. might have to occupy myself on Jupiter all night but suppose there are worse ways to spend your time.

Also have a new 10mm EP I can't wait to try out.

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Looking clear enuf here in Dublin also so i'll grab as much clear sky 

as i can before we're back to the rain and winds again,,,

Got about an hour the other night in work, set up scope, and then did the lock up ,,

 viewed jupiter,,moon,,m45,,m42,, then the clouds rolled in and didn;t get a chance to try taking 

some snaps of the moon,i got a digi clamp just for digital cameras so going to try just a few snaps of the moon tonight, ,

i,ve only myself to blame when you buy something new it always gets cloudy

have to wait for a new moon to try out a uhc filter aswell,,,

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Hi all,

I'm new to this and posting on a friends log in as well as using his telescope!

I'm in Stubbington on the south coast and it is very clear. Great views of the moon, Jupiter and getting up in the early hours to try and have a look at Saturn, exciting stuff!

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It was worthwhile staying up. Had some good views of the moon and Jupiter after midnight and Mars has filled a couple of hours until the star of the show appeared a few minutes ago above my neighbour's roof. I will never get tired of seeing Saturn - just stunning!

Is it time for a bacon sandwich yet?

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What??? it's always time for a bacon sarnie!!... :)

Was really hoping to get a session tonight, cloud came through and then, when it did clear, I was left with a high altitude haze (Nope, I know what you're thinking but, I don't date Mary Jane).

Oh well, at least it proves I'm in for the long haul, it's gotta clear up for me sooner or later right? (optimism - check!, patience - check!, Bacon sarnie - check! check! check!)

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We had good seeing last night. The only problems were that it was still a bit gusty and the ground was so wet that we had to set up on decking which meant everything was a little bit bouncy

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