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Maksutov 180mm

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I always wonder re. collimation of MAKs or SCTs - Does the concept of "sweet spot" not still apply? :)

An F10 Newt has a sweet spot of size 22mm. http://web.telia.com/~u41105032/kolli/kolli.html (scroll down a bit)

I suppose the fiddly part is that the lever arm is large and simple push pull adjusters sensitive.

Certainly I was unimpressed by suggestions a standard laser collimator would work. :p

For an SCT, the Hotech Advanced CT laser collimator looks fun, but expensive...

I read a MAK user doing (essentially) that technique visually! Mad Carew? ;)

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I always wonder re. collimation of MAKs or SCTs - Does the concept of "sweet spot" not still apply? :)

An F10 Newt has a sweet spot of size 22mm. http://web.telia.com/~u41105032/kolli/kolli.html (scroll down a bit)

I suppose the fiddly part is that the lever arm is large and simple push pull adjusters sensitive.

Certainly I was unimpressed by suggestions a standard laser collimator would work. :p

For an SCT, the Hotech Advanced CT laser collimator looks fun, but expensive...

I read a MAK user doing (essentially) that technique visually! Mad Carew? ;)

Maybe for maks but the primary with SCT's is around F/2 I believe so I'm not sure the newtonian "sweet spot" principle applies.

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Maybe for maks but the primary with SCT's is around F/2 I believe so I'm not sure the newtonian "sweet spot" principle applies.

Ah yes - Must be something like that! (for both, I suspect)  :)

Was musing (as one does) re. "cashing in" ALL my scopes and moving to an SCT / Hyperstar combo.

Until I read some cautionary tales (here) re. collimating a photo / video SCT (essentially F2) setup... ;)

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Yes you are correct it has locking keys which I didn't see in the dark even with a full Moon, just saw three holes that didn't tick any boxes.

Anyway it seems very simple and I will have a play next time out as I couldn't move things very easily as they were locked I guess. As said much less messing than the SC with with all the screws at the back.

There can't be much wrong with it but I just feel it is not spot on and that will always be better than so so.


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