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where do you keep yours

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hi all i was just wondering where to keep my 200p, it isn,t a problem keeping it in the house but the thing is i dont like alll the condensation that gathers on the  tube and mirrors when i bring it in from the cold. are there any issues in keeping it in the garage, i can see cool down would be alot shorter but are there any cons to keeping it outside.

if i am to keep it inside what is the best procedure  when bringing it in



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I used to keep mine in the house but now it's stored in the garage. I preferred storing it in the house TBH as the primary mirror has got very dusty since it's been in the garage. I use a shower cap to cover the bottom of the tube and the standard dust cap on the front but it has still managed to find a way in.

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I keep my scopes in the house, but I'm looking into some other options, at least for the dob. Taking it back inside isn't a problem. I just wipe it as dry as possible and store it horizontal with the dustcaps off for a few hours.

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We're lucky enough to have a "garden room" which is unheated. The tube lives in there and the tripod and mount is in a small polytunnel. To set up I just have to lift the tripod out and bring the ota out through the patio doors. Works for me till I get an obsy organised.<br />

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I made a sled, or a cart. whatever you call it. two pieces of thickish (10mm) plywood. two irons to keep them perpendicular to each other so the other acts as a handle. 3 holes to take the leg-pegs of the 12" dobson. Add a few small cabinet wheels. Then I added a set of baskets made out of wire. I can get all my stuff like powerpack,eyepiece case etc. onboard. Then I just roll it to a hole next to our stairs.  

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I had a problem storing all my astro kit as we only have a small house and it was scattered to the four winds, so we had a bespoke sideboard/cupboard made to measure that sits under our stairs and one of the cupboards was made large enough to take ALL my kit. 2 scopes and all associated stuff. Everything is nicely stored in one place and the missus is happy that the house isn't scattered with bits of astro gear.

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   I keep my 10" Newt in a bedroom closet with a plastic trash bag (30 gallon size) over it and folded at the bottom under the primary mirror end. This keeps out dust, lint, spiders, etc.

   As for a "dewed up" scope, I bring it to the storage place and let it sit on another plastic bag  a while open to the air, then cover it a short time later with the bags. Storing it in/near a kitchen invites cooking oil deposits; in a living room, fireplace smoke and tobacco smoke deposits are likely; closed off spaces unheated cause condensation deposits that don't readily evaporate as well as insect dirt with long storage times. Outside? mainly insects and theft/damage is invited unless in a well constructed observatory that can be locked.

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