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Hi Bernie

The exposure looks about right, but the Etalon Filter or Focus is not quite right.

Its not the easiest of thing to adjust a PST, with a camera attached.

I've sold my PST on now, but I found the best way to capture the surface granulation or prominences, is to adjust the Eatlon Filter with an eyepiece, attach the camera, then don't touch the Etalon Filter, only the focus.

Takes a bit of practice, but when you get it right, you'll capture some great detail.


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Nice mate.And is that mercury or venus about 1 or 2 a clock from the sun?There`s a faint orangey spot there look closely.

That would be a hot pixel Carl. Planets are not going to show using a solar filter.

Nice piccie Bernie!!

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I don't know anything about PST's Bernie, so I can't help, but there are a few Solar Imaging experts who will guide you in the right direction.

However, your first ever Solar shot looks good, so you are on your way.


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Nice mate.And is that mercury or venus about 1 or 2 a clock from the sun?There`s a faint orangey spot there look closely.

That would be a hot pixel Carl. Planets are not going to show using a solar filter.

Nice piccie Bernie!!

:D ok. :insects1: :rolleyes:

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