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Nikon D80

Stargazer 2013

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Wot I did too.. Started with D80 but it has nasty amp glow. Moved onto 1000d & modded it pretty quick. World of difference to using the 80. Having been a Nikon man since the 70's it pained me to give up on it but astro software support for Canon is just so much better.

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Ive got the D40 which is much more basic but the D80 was considered a great camera , but for astrophotography the Canons seem to be much more widely regarded.

One of the things I noticed with the D40 is that for exposures longer than 30seconds you have to use the IR remote control which you can get on the web for less that £20. The Bulb feature only becomes active once the IR Remote option is activated.

The live view that Kropster mentions is a good point at its a bit of a hasstle to have to keep taking photos, then viewing them back to see what the focus is like and then having to do this a few times to get things set.........mind you I think the live view feature was only just becoming available in the market when the D80 was being marketed so thats the reason why it doesnt have it. The same is true for HD video as this was also only just coming available once the D80 was launched meaning it wasnt widely available at the time except on dedicated camcorders.

Ken Rockwell always does good reviews so have a look here http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/d80.htm


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a D80 and it is not suitable for long exposures, it has a very noisy CCD sensor that is also found in dedicated astro cameras. This is the last Nikon camera that is not suitable for astrophotagraphy, every one newer (execpt D3000) is better, a D90 with a CMOS sensor is a much better choice. The software support for Nikon cameras is good enough. There are not many but there is a few programs both free and program you pay for that works excellent with Nikons. My D600 is very good for astrophotagraphy and I know many people that have the D7000 that have done great results with that one.

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