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Ethos 10mm first light


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First I must say that the weather has been very bad for astronomy here lately,and the only reason I was able to observe tonight is because of Cleardarksky,they assemble all the data to enable us to drive out and see.So off I go to another hole in the clouds.....average to poor transparency,very windy but dark.I had to wait 45 min for the clouds to swirl out of sight.But then the milky way burst out on the scene! :grin:

The 10mm Ethos,with the OOUK adapter weighs roughly the same as my 17mm Ethos-as do my Delos eyepieces with the same adapter.This is great for my dob,thats for sure.I wasn't sure I'd like the double barrel arrangement,but it is of no consequence.So off to M57 we go,and the ring gave me its best brightest showing yet....all with no filter.Over to Vega and the Double Double.My previous best split in the dob was @150x-tonite I nailed at 120x,which I think is fairly good,given the conditions.And the split was a real one with definite space between the stars.

Now to M31,both the 17mm & 10mm Ethos showed a bright core and easily seen dust lanes-tonite the 10mm bested the 17mm,providing better contrast and mottling in the dust lanes.I took quite a while observing this one.And then there was M33.Tonite this galaxy gave up some light structure to me,the whole galaxy was huge and not just a smudge-and I swear that light structure just might have appeared loosely as spirals the more I looked at it.Great sight anyways.

Up and over to Cephus to try NGC 6939 & 6946.the cluster 6939 looked fine,easily seen,but still a bit faint...however a LOT of stars were resolved in it tonight,6946 looked like a hazy patch,but big,easy to see.The Ethos 10mm provided the best ever on these 2 objects as well.For fun I found NGC 7789,an object I love,which the 10mm gave a fantastic presentation of the Rose.

As a nebula contrast test I found both Veils were easily seen-with no filter (forgot them),so with my OIII the view should be pretty good I think.All in all,this eyepiece fits my combination very well-I can't wait to try it out under better skies.....

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Lovely report and by the sounds of it a great purchase! I just love the wide field views of the ethos and I think I'm not on my own!. Should be great on those Globs, really start to resolve the centre well done.

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Excellent news Gerry, I also am a fan of the wild field :smiley:  I hope we all get some clear spells so we can have a good scout around and with the clocks going back we have the extra hour of darkness before bed time :grin:

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Very nice report Gerry on what sounded like a trying night. I like the way you fight the weather and are happy to wait around for a gap in the clouds, I am so lucky here with weather I forget other poor soles. It always makes it worse when you have a new eyepiece to give a work-out to.


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Great report Gerry - I'm glad you got 1st light at last with this one  :smiley:

Is 17mm as low as you intend to go or do you have plans for something of a longer focal length ?.

You have certainly got the mid to high power range covered very well now :smiley:

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Great report Gerry - I'm glad you got 1st light at last with this one  :smiley:

Is 17mm as low as you intend to go or do you have plans for something of a longer focal length ?.

You have certainly got the mid to high power range covered very well now :smiley:

John,I'm not sure about going for a longer FL-the 17mm,with this scope provides a nice 1.4 deg FOV.I think the 21mm Ethos would provide about 1.9deg.What is your recommendation?

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John,I'm not sure about going for a longer FL-the 17mm,with this scope provides a nice 1.4 deg FOV.I think the 21mm Ethos would provide about 1.9deg.What is your recommendation?

If you did not have the 17mm Ethos, I think the 21mm would be a brilliant choice. As you do have it I'd go for the 31mm Nagler which will show 2.1 degrees of sky at 39x. Both these options have hefty price tags attached of course. 

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I would think if it is the VX10 1200 focal length scope then the exit pupil would be getting rather large Alan at 35mm I think ?, how much that would be a consideration may be debatable, as it may be quite marginal depending on  eyes.

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Like you said in the other post I was running, you're in a similar boat to me.  That 17E though..hmm.. fantastic eyepiece but it makes the 21 a difficult sell given how close it is.

But then again, given how close it is you could argue if you even need more.  I'd be very satisfied with 1.4 degrees myself.  Your 90mm SV would provide all the rich field you should need with the 17E as well.

When I had a 1200mm FL 10" I use to be very happy using a 24mm 82 degree as it was right on the limit of what I wanted in terms of exit pupil.  5mm is the sweetspot for lowest magnificaiton for me.  It all depends on the quality of your skies though.  If yours are dark (I cant recall from memory where in the world you are) then I would go beyond 5mm.  If my skies were rural dark I'd be buying up to 7mm exit pupils without a hesitation.

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Thanks for the response people :smiley: After last night I'm not sure of what to do.My dob blew my refractor out of the water in every way....badly,from what I consider very dark skies.The Milky Way seemed to actually brighten everything,if this is possible.The only thing that the frac has is a greater FOV.This was the first real side by side comparison under good conditions of the two.So my dilemma is this:do I try to go with a lower power eyepiece & try to increase the FOV at the same time?My 23mm Luminos tells me yes.....after the great view of the NAN last night-but the price to pay with this eyepiece is heavy @ f4.8 on the stars themselves....What I love is contrast,brightness-you guys should have seen the Ring last night in my 10mm Ethos,extremely bright.....better with no filter.I can buy a Paracorr,but I would rather not,as I have enough to keep track of on my trips.Is there an eyepiece that can equal the Ethos's contrast levels in the lower mags?

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