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Jammed, stuck, undoable, adapter rings

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I fitted a focal reducer in my C11, this evening thought i would remove it to see how much difference it made, well its not play ball refuses to undo from the large adapter so i left it until tomorrow to bring in doors to warm up a bit, i have coming in the post some 42mm rubber O-Rings i will try one of these to see if it stops the rings sticking together,, any other ideas that people use...????

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Thanks for the replies, i have a leather strap wrench and a hair-drier both were on my list of things to try, just moving it into the warmth will most likely work, stopping it in the future in the main thing to get sorted....

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These arrived today pack of 8 cost £4.60 with the postage  www.apmotorstore.co.uk  found them on Amazon


So these are bits the RF attaches to the rear C11 Adapter and gets stuck, i put a o-ring on there and while it moves the RF about 2mm further out it does the job, no sticking undoes every time and is nice and solid when tight....


put together......


The diagonal when attached has a flange this doesn't get stuck but is stiff to undo and has a couple of time come loose and allowed itself and the EP in it to swing down, one of the o-rings is to thick to allow for a tight fit so i will try to reduce the o-ring thickness and that should cure this problem.

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